台灣自90年代推動教改以來,提升教師專業素質成為各界所關注的重要議題之一,故自1996年教改總諮議報告書提到規劃教師專業評鑑制度起,提升教師專業及推動教師評鑑是歷年來教育政策的重點,其間雖有相關的推動計畫與試辦方案,但至2006年所公布的「教育補助試辦教師專業發展評鑑實施計畫」,對於教師專業發展與評鑑才有較明確的政策文本。因此,政策從形成到制定並非是水到渠成的,而是變動的非線性歷程,為使政策脈絡能有清楚的輪廓,本文運用Ball(1994)的政策社會學分析取向,即「政策作為一種文本」(policy as text)與「政策作為一種論述」(policy as discourse),檢視「教育補助試辦教師專業發展評鑑實施要點」的政策脈絡,嘗試探討:一,什麼樣的社會脈絡促使教師評鑑成為教育改革的重要議題。二,政策文本的轉變反映出某些意識型態與團體的互動歷程,其結果對政策有何影響。三,教師專業發展評鑑實質上達成什麼。四,根據脈絡分析的結果,提出對於教師專業發展評鑑後續發展的啟示。 Since education reform was promoted in the 1990s in Taiwan, the enhancement of the professional quality of teachers has become one of the important issues that arouse public concern. Therefore, since the planning of the system for the professional evaluation of teachers was mentioned in the General Consultation Report for Education Reform in 1996, the enhancement of teachers’ profession and the promotion of teacher evaluation have become of focuses of educational policy over the years. Although relevant promotion plans and pilot projects were executed before, not until the “Ministry of Education Granted Project for the Pilot Implementation of Teacher Profession Evaluation” was announced in 2006 did the specific policy text of teacher evaluation for professional development appear. Therefore, the formation and formulation of policy is not a matter of time but a changing nonlinear process. To make the outline of policy context clearer, this paper refers to Ball’s(1994) approaches of policy sociology analysis, namely “policy as text” and “policy as discourse”, to examine the policy context of the “Ministry of Education Granted Project for the Pilot Implementation of Teacher Profession Evaluation”. This paper aims to answer the following questions: (1) what is the social context that drives teacher evaluation to become an important issue of education reform; (2) what is the influence of the outcome of the interactive process of certain ideology or groups reflected by the transformation on policy; (3) what has the teacher evaluation for professional development substantially achieved and what are their influences on policy; (4) the inspiration of teacher evaluation for professional development to follow-up development based on the results of the analysis on context.