2006年時,清華大學開始試辦繁星計畫,主要是為了縮減城鄉差距;教育部為了要推動十二年國民教育,乃於2007年承接而擴大辦理。繁星計畫的目標在平衡城鄉教育資源的落差,體現教育機會均等的公平正義、照顧學習起點較弱的學生,提供適性揚才成功發展的機會,主要目地主要是要實現教育機會均等的公平原則。然而繁星計畫實施至今為第四年,效果毀譽參半。從錄取的學生名單中可看出高達五成學生來自都會區,真正弱勢的學生似乎沒有辦法進入這些頂尖大學,這和繁星計畫之宗旨形成強烈諷刺。本研究以南投縣一所完全中學為研究樣本,探討繁星計畫之執行是否達成當初所訂立之政策目標,並以教育機會均等之觀點反思該政策之實施現況,討論政策是否符合教育機會均等原則,同時期待能藉由政策評估結果對繁星計畫的後續發展提出建議與改善。 The Multi-star Project was first conducted by National Tsing Hua University whose purpose is to diminish the gap of learning resources between urban and rural regions. Ministry of Education, however, seeks to promote Twelve-Year Compulsory Education Policy so that it overtakes this project. The main purposes of Multi-star Project are to balance the gap of the development and learning resources between urban and rural communities and to give more opportunities to the elite and potential students in the underdeveloped areas, which is used to realize the purpose of educational equality. Ironically, according to the report, over fifty percent of students who are admitted to colleges are from urban regions, which violates the spirit of the Multi-star Project.This study intends to evaluate the effects of the Multi-star Project through an authentic case, that is, from a school’s perspective. The author will analyze the candidates' parental social status, whether the candidates receive scholarship or not, whether the candidates attend cram schools or not. The result will be used to reflect and evaluate if the Multi-star Project meets it's original goals and purposes. Furthermore, the author will bring up some suggestions for the further project.