國樂─在不同的歷史背景、文化及社會意涵之下,有不同的定義。台灣國樂的發展從1979年台北市立國樂團成立以來,國內紛紛成立許多民間國樂團,現有的公設樂團係:台北市立國樂團、台南市立國樂團,而往財團法人化方向經營則為:高雄市國樂團。專業大型國樂團紛紛成立之時,采風樂坊卻在眾多樂團中以重新回歸中國音樂的特質,希望能在對傳統的實際學習中找到主體創發的可能性之反省下,成立了采風樂坊,基本上保留了傳統絲竹樂的演奏型式,但在積極學習引介傳統外,也做著創作發表的工作。采風樂坊成立十九年來,每年都製作新作品,其中「東方器樂劇場」系列更是樂界中的話題。其作品跳脫了一般大眾對於傳統樂器演奏的形式,展演方式更是非一般演奏家能夠勝任,往往這樣的作品受到不同層面的兩極批評。采風樂坊非公設樂團,但其對於傳統樂器做新嘗試的演出形式,讓傳統結合了新概念,讓更多年輕人看見了傳統樂器之美也看到傳統樂器的新活力。 Traditional Chinese music Under the different historical perspective, the culture and the social meaning, have the different definition. The Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO), the first professional Chinese orchestra in Taiwan, has long established a high reputation for its versatility and artistic excellence since its founding in 1979. The home establishes many folk country orchestras in abundance. Existing postulation orchestra department:Taipei Chinese Orchestra、Tainan City Chinese Orchestra and Kaohsiung City Chinese Orchestra. Chai Found Music Workshop is a traditional Taiwanese and Chinese music ensemble from Taipei/Taiwan. founded the group in 1991. Their aim was to of preserve and further the tradition of Taiwanese music. Ambush! - a synthesis of traditional Taiwanese and Chinese music, choreography, and dramatic elements – is Chai Found Music Workshop’s first “Eastern Instrumental Theater” production with music by Chen-Ming Huang.