本研究旨在探討廣電新聞訪問者如何於訪問前透過新聞報導文本,設計有新聞性的訪問。不同以往互文分析多採文本分析法,本研究使用深度訪談法,透過對十名資深廣電新聞訪問者的訪談資料,探究訪問者如何汲取新聞互文文本,設計新聞訪問,以及新聞互文性受到哪些限制。本研究發現新聞報導與廣電新聞訪問之文類互文有助訪問者定位訪問,同時在訪問時間、受訪者及媒介考量下展開互文實踐。此外,廣電新聞訪問互文性主要受到閱聽人求新、在新聞及媒體競爭壓力下求異,以及受訪者求達自身目的等三方面的限制。 The purpose of this study is to explore how broadcast news interviewers design news interviews by making use of news texts. Different from majority of intertextual researches using text analysis, this study adopts in-depth interviews with ten senior news interviewers to analyze how the intertextual news texts are chosen and constrained. This study finds that news interviewers define the interview through the genre intertextual relation between broadcast news interviews and news reports, and the intertextual practices are under the consideration of time, interviewees, and media characteristics. Moreover, the intertextuality of broadcast news interviews is constrained by the imagination of audience, the competition from other news media, and interviewees.