旅遊之目的不再只是追求享樂主義,同時也希望達成促進健康之目的。伴隨保健旅遊產業的快速發展,以休閒觀光結合醫療保健之旅遊活動成為新趨勢。觀光產業內彼此競爭激烈,加上保健旅遊為複合型產業,比起傳統單一型態產業更具複雜性,且觀光產品通常都是無形的,因此行銷的推廣就特別重要。長久以來,廣告一直是廠商最偏好的行銷溝通策略工具,在廣告主的觀念裡,廣告是主動提供訊息的最佳管道,也是最能夠影響消費者購買決策的因素之一。廣告代言人有助於增強消費者對於業者的認識及引起消費者的注意,並有助於品牌權益的發展及增強品牌的競爭地位。在相關廣告說服效果模式的眾多研究中,以推敲可能性模式為最著名,因此本研究是以推敲可能性模式為架構,並設計平面廣告來分析廣告說服效果,同時探討保健旅遊之廣告主張與廣告代言人的差異對消費意願之影響。本研究採取實驗法進行分析,以女性上班族為受測者,所操弄的自變數分別是廣告主張與廣告代言人。實驗中主要衡量的依變數為消費者的保健旅遊消費意願。受測者將以隨機指派的方式,分配至少30人以上的受試者至6組實驗廣告,以測量不同組別所設計出來的實驗刺激物,是否產生不同之廣告效果。結果顯示廣告主張與廣告代言人對保健旅遊消費意願改變量皆有正向顯著地影響,而廣告代言人則是以專家能引起較高的保健旅遊消費意願改變量。本研究結果可提供給保健旅遊相關業者及行銷人員為參考,同時探討在保健旅遊平面廣告中對廣告主張及廣告代言人的主要與交互作用效果,找出最有效的廣告搭配組合來符合目標市場需求,以達成有效之宣傳效果,並提醒業者未來設計廣告時,應要更貼近消費者的心理與動機需求 The purpose of tourism is not only pursuing hedonism but also improving health. With rapid growth of wellness tourism, combining recreational tourism and medical wellness gets more and more prevalent. Tourism industry is a keen competition. Because wellness tourism is a compounded industry, it’s much more complicated than the conventional simple tourism. Product of tourism are intangible, therefore promotion of market is considerable importantAdvertisement has been preferred as a pivotal communication strategy. For advertiser, advertisement is the best channel to provide messages and it’s also an important factor to affect consumer’s purchasing decision. Spokesmen can facilitate enhencement on acquainting advertiser for consumer and catch consumer’s eyes. It also helps developing brand equity and reinforcement competition position of brand. In related advertisement persuasion model, elaborate likelihood model (ELM) is familiar. For this reason, this study based on ELM to design graphic advertisements for analyzing advertisement persuasion. This study also discussed how diffierent advertising theme and endorser affect consumer willingness. The proposed methed is using experimental method to analysis with females as respondents. In this study, independent variables are advertising theme and advertising endorser while dependent variable is willingness of wellness tourism for customer. Respondents are randomized distribute to six advertisements in this experiment, each advertisement is distributed at least 30 respondents. The purpose is to measure defferent advertisement effects by different motivations in experiment. The results show that the advertising theme and endorser have a significantly positive effect on the purchase intention of wellness tourism. Compared with the typical consumer, the expert endorser can elicit more purchase intention in wellness tourism. In pratical application, results of this research can provide information to wellness tourism and marketing personnel. The proposed method can provide effect and interaction of advertising theme and endorser in wellness tourism’s graphic advertisements to find an effective combination of advertisement. By analyzing results, we can conform to demand of target market to achieve promotion effect.