美國九一一恐怖攻擊事件發生後,歐洲遂成為恐怖組織洗錢、犯罪與各種恐怖攻擊活動的理想區域。相對於美國,歐洲的共同貨幣、國境檢查的取消、較鬆散的金融規範與立法措施,更助長此一趨勢。同時,歐盟並非超國家組織,面對恐怖主義跨國的共同威脅,反恐工作的困難度大增。恐怖團體需要應付日常的開支與最後的攻擊行動,因此,打擊恐怖組織的洗錢活動對反恐至為關鍵。九一一事件後,恐怖團體的洗錢活動跨越大西洋,往歐洲移動,因此在歐盟境內,造成資助恐怖金融活動增加。恐怖主義的洗錢防制為打擊恐怖主義資助與金融活動的重要環節,本文試圖以歐洲聯盟打擊恐怖主義洗錢措施為例,探討國際社會如何回應恐怖主義的資助與金融活動。 Since Europe owns common currency, porous border control and lax financial and related legislative regulations, Europe has become the ideal area for all kinds of financial activities of terrorism such as money laundering. In the mean time, Europe is not a supra-national organization. Facing the cross-border threat of transnational terrorism, the difficulties of combating terrorism is complex and increasing. Since terrorism groups needs financial support for daily expenditure and attacks, the measures for combating money laundering of terrorism in the context of combating terrorism financing is imperative than ever. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, terrorist organizations has been conducted their financial activities across the Atlantic into Europe. For this reason, the terrorist financial activities increased. The prevention and countering of money laundering activities of terrorism is an important knot of combating terrorist financing and activities. This article explores the EU measures of combating money laundering of terrorism as to understand how international community responds to terrorism financing and financial activities.