歐洲聯盟可說是當前區域整合中最成功的案例,惟回顧過去,歐洲整合進程的推動並非全然一帆風順,其間曾數度面臨阻撓與頓挫,其中又以法、荷否決歐盟憲政發展與體制改革里程碑的「歐洲憲法條約」一事,對歐洲整合運動打擊最甚,而作為歐憲條約替代方案的「里斯本條約」,其批准過程更數度面臨頓挫,憲條約替代方案的「里斯本條約」,其批准過程更數度面臨頓挫,2009年12月1日正式生效,方才結束了整合進程自法、荷否決歐憲條約以來長期停滯不前的窘況。本文旨在回顧歐洲整合進程在歐憲條約批准失敗到里斯本條約正式生效這段期間的發展經過,並從發生爭議國家之立場,闡述其對於歐洲進一步邁向深化整合的疑慮,其次針對歐盟內部的民主治理問題、里斯本條約內容是否達成制憲目標以及歐盟彈性協商方式對未來整合進程之影響等三項課題加以分析,檢視里斯本條約內容是否達成制憲之初衷,最後則展望歐洲未來邁向進一步政治整合所將面臨的困難與挑戰。 The European Union is probably the most successful example of regional integration at present. However, the European integration process is not always a smooth ride. One of the most significant obstacles came from the French and Dutch referenda rejecting the Constitutional Treaty (TECE) in 2005 and the following episodes during the ratification process of the Treaty of Lisbon. This paper tends to review the European integration process during this period and is structured as follows. First of all, it examines the European integration process during the period between the French and Dutch referenda rejecting the Constitutional Treaty and the entered into force of the Lisbon Treaty, and aims to realize what lessons were drawn from this incident and the considerations and strategies of the European political leaders to choose the particular path to move forward with reform. Secondly, this paper intends to articulate a precise picture of the main differences and important innovations of the Lisbon Treaty in comparing to the abandoned Constitutional Treaty. Finally, it concludes with more general observations and identifies the challenges the EU might be met in the future integration process.