眾所矚目、引頸期盼接續京都議定書的哥本哈根氣候變遷會議(如期於2009年12月7日召開,對於全球暖化、氣候變遷的減緩於會前全球一片看好,然在會議閉幕後全世界一片譁然,因此共同「認知」了一份不具法律約束的《哥本哈根協議》。會議期間歐洲聯盟、美國、中國扮演了重要因素,其中又以美國及中國之角色最為關鍵,因為雙方代表著已開發國家和開發中國家間在政治、經濟的角力。本文將以外交和經濟兩個角度,試圖探討歐洲聯盟、美國、中國在氣候變遷會議時,各國基於國內的經濟利益,如何運用外交策略,謀求各國保有經濟成長與援助,促使國家獲得最大利益,最終迫使各國只簽署一份政治形式認可的協議,讓為制訂明確溫室氣體減量和要各項援助窮國之聯合國會議徒具形式。 As expected, it will bring down the level of global warming and climate change, the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference was held on 7 December 2009 as scheduled follow by the Kyoto Protocol, but disappointment was incurred just before the show down due to there is only “take note of” non law-abiding Copenhagen Accord. The EU, United States, and China play the key roles during the meeting, among them, the position of US & China even critical. Because they are representing either side of developed nations or developing nations to exercise the power politically & economically. This article will be based on the diplomatic and economic angle to study how the EU, US, and China are engaged in the maxima of native benefit with the economic growth with aid by means of the diplomatic strategies. Finally, an agreement was signed with political form by nations without willingness that bring the United Nation's meeting for the purpose of setting the greenhouse gases mitigation became unrealistic.