本文以黃永武教授散文集《愛廬小品》為例,分析其「言而有據」的寫作特色,可包含三方面:其一,考釋字詞,如在散文中考釋「遇」、「跨竈」、「貨色」、「白賊七」等字詞,並據以鋪陳文章。其二,徵引故實,如寫人之自蔽,而引子貢見孔子為例;寫〈愛廬的一日〉,而引陶淵明「吾亦愛廬」句;寫「向水學習」,而引老子、孔子論水的言論;寫〈讀書與涉境〉,引龔自珍與魏源的故事等,皆是其例;其三,辨識名物,如寫〈賞花心情〉,舉出菊花之品種有「冷香博士」、「醉西施」、「青雲佳士」等;寫〈忍者龜〉而區辨中國人與日本對龜命名的看法;寫〈撲滿〉及〈龍〉,即辨明「撲滿」與「龍」之來龍去脈等。凡此,皆充分顯示黃教授「言而有據」的散文特色,足以啟發中國文學系出身之學者或作家,發揮一己之長,從事散文寫作,以及藉散文發揚文化教育之思考。 This essay analyzes Professor Huang, Yong-Wu's allusive writing feature. Huang's collection of short proses, Ai Lu Xiao Pin, is used as the primary source and three characteristics can be summarized as follow:1. He studies etymology and writes essays on his findings of the origins of the words “Yù”, “Kuà Zào”, “Huò Sè” and “Bái Zéi Qī”.2. He uses a vast variety of historical allusions to support his arguments. He alludes to Zigong’s meeting Confucius to argue humbleness. One of his short proses titled Ai Lu De Yi Ri (A Day in My Thatched Shack) derives from Tao Yuanming's line “I too love my thatched shack”. In Xiang Shui Xue Xí (Learning from Water), he mentions Lao Zi's and Confucius' arguments concerning water. He cites Gong, Zìzhen's and Wei, Yuan's stories in Du Shu Yu She Jing (Reading and Real-life Experience).3. He is good at identifying things. In Shang Hua Xin Qíng (Viewing Flowers), he introduces several sorts of Chrysanthemum such as “Lěng Xiāng Bó Shì”, “Zuì Zī Shī” and “Qīng Yún Jiā Shì”. In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, he analyzes Chinese and Japanese different logics of turtle nomenclature. In Porcelain and Dragon, he explains the origins of these two titles. For those with Chinese literature background, be it scholars or writers, Huang's highly allusive style serves well to urge them to work on proses and ponder how to promote culture education via prose.