本文主要嘗試運用轉型職能觀點,說明我國石化產業正值轉型之際,公私部門之間宜強化制度性連結,以強化政府之轉型職能。文內運用文獻分析法以及深入訪談法,藉以檢視政策利害關係人在石化產業轉型過程中之角色扮演以及建立連結機制要件,期能解決產業發展之困境。研究發現,政府在石化產業的轉型職能尚有改進空間,主要原因為:(1)公私部門已具備決策要件,但仍須持續加強互動關係;(2)政府政策應明確指出長期發展目標,並多舉辦正式會議,以利連結機制運作順暢;(3)雙方之間尚未具備規範要件,因而無法解決所遭遇之阻礙。故建議政府訂定協議,確認相關行動者之責任,俾利貫徹公權力;(4)選舉因素使得參與者彼此之間,並未具備充分信任態度,不願真誠付出、分享資源,因而阻礙新計畫的推動。 The main purpose of this paper is to use the perspective of governed interdependence to analyze the transformation of Taiwan's Petrochemical Industry policy. By applying the method of literature review and in-depth interview, this research examines the changing role-playing and capacity among government, petrochemical business and other related policy actors. Besides, we also use the necessity conditions of institutional linkage, such as: decision-making condition, operational condition, normative condition and moral condition to explore weather the linkage mechanism is well-established enough to resolve problems. The findings are: (1) the decision-making conditions are available; (2) the government should be more specific in the long-term policy goals, and hold more formal meetings to meet the content of operation conditions; (3) both sectors still do not have normative conditions, so that barriers of the program execution can not be removed; (4) lack of normal conditions does not only make interventions of political elements obstacles but also make actors suspicious and unwilling to treat each other sincerely. In that situation, the synergy of public-private cooperation is unable to appear.