本研究以台灣南部某私立N大學全體專任教師200人為普查對象,藉由Stoltz(1997)之「逆境商數」理論來深入探討大學教師對於高等教育工作的滿足與工作壓力狀況。採用問卷調查方式,透過文獻探討歸納研究變量來設計問卷,總計回收144份問卷,有效問卷105份,有效問卷回收率為72.92%,所得之資料運用敘述性統計分析、相關分析以及迴歸分析等方法來進行資料分析的工作。研究結果顯示,教師逆境商數對工作壓力具有顯著負向影響且對於工作滿足具有顯著正向影響,而工作壓力對於逆境商數與工作滿足之間存在著完全中介的效果。 Using a sample population of 200 full-time teachers from the private “N” university in Taiwan, the study applied the adversity quotient theory by Stoltz (1997) to research deep into the job satisfaction of higher educational faculty. It adopts the investigation method of the questionnaire, and variables derived from literature review were applied to develop the questionnaire. 144 sets of questionnaires were returned that made of paper, valid questionnaires were 105 and effective response rate was 72.92%. The descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and so on were conducted in this study. The results revealed that teachers' adversity quotient having significant negative effects on job stress, having significant positive effects on job satisfaction, and the job stress having the fully mediation effects between adversity quotient and job satisfaction.