「打船醮」是南臺灣靈寶道派敷演王醮科儀中的一項重要內容,寄託了信眾對「王船」的洗淨及祈福。概括而言,臺南地區「打船醮」儀式共包含了十項流程:( 1)三直符;( 2)步虛;( 3)淨壇;( 4)請神.三獻;( 5)入意;( 6)送神;( 7)化紙咒;( 8)唱儎;( 9)開水路;( 10)迴向,其中,「祭船三獻」、「點班唱儎」及「開通水路」等節次是本場法事的核心環節,充分表達了人們祈盼瘟疫等諸不祥跟隨「王爺」登上龍舟、駛離本境的美好願望。而「唱儎」節次則承襲了現實生活中海船啟航前的一貫做法,其名錄中所羅列的職司稱謂真實再現了明清時期閩臺地區海商船的機構設置及人員組合。 The ritual of consecrating the ship of plague is an important part of the rituals of “wangjiao”(王醮 ) of the Lingbao school in southern districts of Taiwan, which carries the believers blessing to the ship of plague. In general, the ritual of consecrating the ship of plague in southern districts of Taiwan is comprised of ten procedures, which are “Sanzhifu” (三直符), “Buxu” (步虛), “Jingtan” (淨壇), “Sandianjiu” (請神.三獻 ), “Ruyi” (入意), “Songshen” (送神), “Qumoshenzhou” (化紙咒), “Changzai” (唱儎), “Kaishuilu” (開水路) and “Huixiang” (迴向). Among them, “Jichuansanxian” (「祭船三獻」 ), “Dianbanchangzai” (「點班唱儎」) and “Kaitongshuilu” (「開通水路」 ) are the central procedures of this religious ceremony, expressing people’s nice hope that the plague and other ominous things could get on the ship and leave the area. But the procedure of “Changzai” inherits the customary practice before the ship sails in reality, which functional appellations in directory truly reappears the organization structuring and force administration of ocean-going merchantmen in Mintai areas during the Ming and Qing dynasties.