中俄兩國在晚近的正式外交關係上,克服過去數十年來的疑慮,從宣稱互為友好和平再進展為戰略夥伴關係,以追求彼此利益的增長。本文一至三節介紹兩國政府的支持下,中方公司於2003年提議在聖彼得堡市投資興建的「波羅的海明珠計劃」是中國對俄最大直接投資項目。此一建設計劃被中國與俄羅斯雙方期許為當代中國向歐洲文化展現其與現代性接軌的成績。第四節則呈現計劃宣佈初期,彼得堡居民為何擔憂這將會是中國城 (Chinatown)效應的開始而有多次抗議行動。這些擔憂直接聯結中國擴張威脅內涵,更體現兩國互動關係的特點。本文採取社會建構論的途徑,於五和六節中探究此一工程投資合作項目背後所隱含的政治社會互動關係,藉此提供一個新的視野,探究異族想像、現代性與認同政治在兩國關係建構下如何移動。 The official relations between China and Russia have been highly endeavored over the last decade, which reached a level lately as both sides welcome the adoption of strategic partnership. An urban development and construction project initialed in 2003, known as the Baltic Pearl project, was the biggest single foreign investment ever in Saint Petersburg. The project is considered by the political and business elites from both countries as not only presenting a unique investment prospect but also reflecting China’s recent ambition in reproducing European life quality. By that today’s China is considered advanced with her market competence. Saint Petersburg’s local residents had serious doubt about the project instead of showing trust and support, for their fear of a Chinatown growoing within the city would be the following product of the Chinese investment. It was only through a well-managed PR campaign, then the project started with meeting no further confrontation. Through a social constructionist approach of invastigating the elelments under the Chinese threat atmosphere, the article is to explore more identity politics making for Russians to adopt the new Chinese image.