因全球化經營趨勢的興起、科技的進步及產業環境的改變,台灣傳統產業多為民生必需品或基礎工業,是維持經濟的產業,加上近幾年來台灣傳統產業因整體國家情勢的改變而面對新的衝擊是首要處理的問題。本論文是以消費者為研究對象,主要目的在探討行銷組合策略與品牌聯想對購買意願之影響關係。採用便利抽樣法,發出問卷共800份,回收705份,其中無效問卷39份,有效問卷666份。資料分析方法則採用統計視窗軟體SPSS12.0進行敘述統計分析、信度分析、相關分析及迴歸分析,本研究以Cronbach’s α係數進行信度分析,三個變項的信度和整份問卷的信度多大於0.7,屬高信度,顯示本研究所使用之問卷具有足夠的內部一致性,可進一步進行實證分析。根據上述實證研究結果我們可以得知,快速反應經營環境的變遷,強化其競爭能力,才能追求企業的永續發展。 Due to the emergence of global operation, the improvement of technology, and the change of industrial environment, Taiwan’s conventional industries, as an important base to stabilize economic development, in such challenging situation, to integrate the corporate resources for aligning with the corporate strategy by effective information technology is a feasible approach for staying completive in the global market.This essay researches on the consumers, for the purpose of studying on the relationships among marketing mix strategy, brand association and purchase intention. This research adopts a convenience sampling method 800 questionnaires were issued 705 of them were retrieved, out of which 39 are invalid and 666 are valid SPSS12.0 data analysis method is used to perform descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis. This research introduced Cronbach’s α coefficient to conduct reliability analysis. Reliabilities of the three variables and the reliability of the entire questionnaire are higher than 0.7. Therefore, the result is highly reliable. It appears that the questionnaire is internally consistent and is suitable for performing positive analysis. In conclusion, current businesses in Taiwan should accelerate their information system integration capability, reinforce competitive ability, and pursue the ultimately everlasting success.