民國九十九年公告、實施的農村再生條例,清楚列舉出「農村社區整體建設、宅院整建、農業生產、產業文化、自然生態、閒置空間再利用等項目」,將利用公共支出予以補助。凡符合申請規定的農業從業人員,均可以提出補助申請。尤其是以減少水泥設施、選用綠建築建材、低排碳設計、實施生態工程者,將獲得優先補助。基於前述法規容許範圍的條件,農村中從事農業生產行為的各項設施,理應納入補助獎勵重點。以便達成整體的污染氣體低排放,符合蒙特婁公約、京都議定書等環境永續經營的精神。農村生產行為中,以簡單的、人力密集的種植蔬果雜糧等,為最低污染排放的分類。凡使用機具耕作、犁田、除草等,即開始出現環境污染的事實。因為,汽油內燃機的一經啟動,即便是輕微的量的一次能源耗用(primer energy use),對耗能、節能等議題,都具備了討論的價值。在資本更集中的飼養農業、農畜產品加工等等,所必須使用的二次能源(secondary energy use),都與耗能、節能,有著更密切的關連。這一個區塊的節能減碳效果,應該是比較可以透過有效管理,達成目標的。目前的農村再生計畫執行,過於偏頗水土保持工程技術面向。依照國外較為全面向的節能或農村發展經驗 ,可以對問題分析更加客觀,公部門也可以透過檢討重點執行的計畫方向,真正達到空間永續的期望。 In the year 2000 the minister of agriculture declare a “Rural area redevelopment act”. With this regulation should reinforce subvention to improve infrastructure such as community facility; dwellings; agronomy; nature environment; unused space. It allows farming and it`s facilities to orientate their self on the trail of sustainable construction method. Base on this positive environmental strategy, every implementation to favor energy consumption reduction should be encouraged. Both Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol are the key influence on this act.The lowest immersion farming by agriculture is fruit, vegetable, flower etc. growing. With motor machine to gain more harvest will on one hand consume patrol or electricity. On the other hand create certain amount of emission. Farming such as dairy, chicken raising, hydro cultivation vegetables etc. need secondary energy to support their production. Efficiency energy apply will be main purpose.This these try to catch the means of public policy and it’s implementation. Those experiences abroad are important manner for clarify and explain how and why this land needs. After the evaluation and observation those on hand information, the strategies by village modernisation act has took too much emphasis on civil-engineering sector instead encouraging people in husbandry sector to reduce the primer & secondary energy use. To encounter the global warming conflicts needs a new consensus and aspect.