由於台灣所處之地理位置與地質構造,再加上近來極端氣候的影響下,天然災害頻仍,在面對這些災害來臨及其衍生之治理技術,讓台灣早已步入英國社會學家Anthony Giddens所提出的「風險社會」之境。然而,「災後重建」(post-disaster reconstruction),並不是災害終結後之重建工程,而是身處於災害持續期間之重建行動。吾人認為「post-disaster」應譯為「後災害」(延續災害本質狀態),才能在語意建構上正視災害本身與現世環境巨變的種種前因後果,並從中發掘人造與自然環境間的新平衡點。本文主要是以筆者所參與莫拉克颱風災後重建之社區營造經驗,比較九二一地震與八八風災之災害本質與政策殊異性;重新開展社區災難史的社區村史寫作向度,並融入傳統生態知識(T.E.K)之在地智慧;生活與生產基地異地化下之重建困境等等面向,揭示若干後災害時期來臨下的一些社區營造議題。 Due to Taiwan's geographical location and geological structure, coupled with the influence of recent extreme weather and natural disaster-prone, it had emerged new governance skills preventing from disasters and let Taiwan enter the sphere proposed by the British sociologist Anthony Giddens so-called "risk society". However, the "post-disaster reconstruction” is not the reconstruction by the end of disasters, it is the duration for recovering action. I think that "post-disaster" interpreted as "continuation of essence of disasters ” in order to construct the semantic meaning on the disaster itself and the various secular causes and consequences of environmental changes, and let us figure out a new balance between man-made and natural environments.This article is based on the author's participatory experiences in community empowerment for Morakot typhoon’s reconstruction. We want to compare with the 921 earthquake and Morakot typhoon of nature and policy and indicate some community empowerment issues in the advent of post-disaster period: re-launching of writing village history’s dimension by community disaster history and integrating into traditional ecological knowledge (TEK); the dilemma of alienation between life and production bases.