偏遠小學受少子女化及政策等衝擊,導致規模逐漸縮小,部分學校甚至被整併或裁廢,但亦有部分偏遠小學運用周邊環境資源發展出特色學習優勢,使課程與空間運用更多元化,並進一步與社區建立更緊密的夥伴關係。為深入了解這些特色偏遠小學的空間規劃執行方式,本研究運用現地觀察、活動參與及訪談等方法收及第一手資料,以分析各校如何將在地資源延伸成為本身教學優勢,進而發展成開放他校或團體參與的遊學型態,活化且提升本身及社區場域價值。研究結論包含:學校在規劃上應分時段運用社區與校園資源、審慎考量遊學類型和移動式教室等規劃以擴大環境學習場域;發展特色遊學所需之空間應集中規劃設置,以利管理區劃、彈性使用及減少及干擾學校日常教學;相關多功能學習空間之規劃,應同時滿足教學、活動與生活等需求,並盡量增加複合利用之彈性:規劃發展住宿遊學模式將有助於多元利用在地資源。 The recent trends of the increasing aging population and low birth rate have reduced the number of available students for schools, ultimately causing many remote schools to close. However, these remote schools are usually the only public resource in their communities. Closing schools not only destroys the local community but also eliminates learning opportunities for students. However, remote schools differ from schools in urban cities, which have abundant natural and human resources. Appropriate planning should transform remote schools into educational sites for environmental learning purposes. In addition, these sites can continue to serve the local area while sharing leaning opportunities. In order to understand the problems and perspectives from schools and local areas, this project investigates 7 schools over 2 years using interview, environmental, behavior observation, and survey methodology. The numerous findings include:(1)Abundant natural and human resources exist around remote schools. The adjustment of unused spaces within remote schools can provide a better shared open space for public use while serving sustainable purposes. (2)Comprehensive planning should consider three levels—school buildings, campuses, and surrounding areas—in order to provide multiple learning experiences for environmental learning and protection. (3)Local communities own important resources that are the key to success. Full communication and cooperation are vital.