公園綠地已經成為現代都市環境中不可或缺的一環。為了使公園能達到預期效果,從都市計畫層面、公園使用分區規劃、服務設施設計到營運管理各層面皆不得忽視。本研究發現嘉義市的公園調查文獻並不多,因此針對嘉義市的公園以現場調查觀察民眾使用公園的模式與特徵,再以問卷調查民眾對不當行為的認知,期望能提供嘉義市政府在制定公園經營管理方針時的參考。本研究在2011年1月至5月於嘉義市的10座公園調查民眾使用實況,並於2011年5月至10月分別對公園現場、公園周圍住家以及網路使用者進行問卷調查。調查結果顯示,嘉義市民日間使用公園的時間集中在早晨及傍晚兩時段,在公園中的活動類型以散步、運動、聊天、休息最為常見。社區公園是最容易發現不當使用行為的公園層級單位。問卷調查部份,民眾對某些不當行為已有共識,但對於在公園中運動等使用行為上也有不太清楚規範的情形,可見仍具有宣導及改善的空間。 The open space has become one of the indispensable pieces in the modern city. In order to achieve the function of open space, we should concern the urban planning, activity areas planning, service facilities designing, and operation management. The purpose of the study was to investigate the model and characteristics of using parks of Chiayi people, and their perception of inappropriate behaviors in parks by using site observations in the parks and survey. The investigated was during January to October in 2011. The observation results showed most of Chiayi people used the parks in the morning and evening. Walking, exercising, chatting, and resting are the most popular activities in the parks. Many inappropriate behaviors happened in community parks. In the survey, people had common consensus for inappropriate behaviors; however, some of park using policies were not clear to those people and needed to be improved.