歌仔戲是台灣本土文化戲曲藝術,它來自閩南的歌舞曲藝,迄今已然走過了二百年的歷史,歌仔戲具有純樸親切的鄉土特質,與人民的生活習俗緊密相連,成為通俗庶民文化,但面對現代化社會的變遷,歌仔戲團早已逐漸沒落,亟待重新振興。 正明龍歌劇團創建於1981年,對於歌仔戲藝術極力的發揚與創新,採用內台式舞台布景及布袋戲的燈光效果,突破傳統外台歌仔戲簡陋演出方法,並依不同觀眾群,以新思維方式採分級創作。 本研究以台灣歌仔戲的起源與發展、表演型態及歌仔戲藝術元素作為背景,探討正明龍歌劇團的組織管理、經營模式、創新與傳承及如何面對目前歌仔戲的衰退,突破傳統束縛,並創造經營與發展台灣歌仔戲的新模式。 本研究分析與探討,正明龍歌劇團未來發展之轉型的變與不變,在變的方面應以創新手法推出滿足觀眾需求的歌仔戲,在不變方面應同時保持傳統文化的精髓,回歸儀式祭典的傳統精神,結合民雄在地文化傳統特色,從本土歌仔戲的核心精神切入,扣緊地方文化特色,打造民雄為傳統儀式戲曲重鎮,進而帶動地方經濟與產業的發展。 Taiwanese opera is a native cultural dramatic arts, it comes from the folk songs and dance of the Min Nan province, China. So far, it has already had Two hundred years of history. Taiwanese opera has a simple kind of native traits that linked closely to the customs and live style of the people, forming a popular folk culture,But faced with changes of modern society, the opera group had gradually decline, urgently needed revitalized. Jenminglung Opera Taiwanese Company(JOTC) was founded in 1981. It strongly promotes Taiwanese Opera by using artistically innovative puppet stage sets and special lighting effects. Breaking through the traditional Taiwanese Opera’s outdoor methods of shabby performances, JOTC also adopts novel thinking and creations to produce variances in style according to differences in audiences. This study describes the origin and the development of Taiwanese opera. Using its performing arts style and it's original opera elements as backdrops this study also explores the JOTC’s organizational management, business model, innovation and inheritance. It further investigates how JOTC deals with the current recession in Taiwanese opera, and how it breaks through traditional constraints and creates another new aura. This research will analyze and discuss, the future restructuring and development of Jenminglung Opera may involve some changes. The changes should involve the introduction of innovative approach to meeting the needs of the opera audience, while maintaining the same essence of traditional culture and the traditional spirit. It should also maintain the return ceremony ritual, combining the Minxiong local cultural traditions. Fastening the local culture by leading the opera to the core spirit of the local culture, to create a traditional ritual drama of Minxiong city, in order to stimulate the development of local economy and industry.