本研究以集集地區的遊客為調查對象,探討遊客的旅遊動機、旅遊意象、旅遊體驗及遊客滿意度之間的關係。共發出問卷450份,收集有效樣本436份,運用描述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、T檢定與單因子變異數分析、相關分析及迴歸分析法進行統計分析。研究結果顯示:1.旅遊動機、旅遊意象、旅遊體驗及遊客滿意度之間皆有顯著相關。2.旅遊動機、旅遊意象對旅遊體驗及遊客滿意度皆有正向影響;旅遊體驗對遊客滿意度有正向影響。3.旅遊動機及旅遊意象皆透過遊憩體驗對顧客滿意度有部份中介影響。 The purpose of this study was to explore travel motivations, travel images, travel experiences and visitor satisfaction at Chichi area. We surveyed 450 visitors and collected 436 valid questionnaires, all of which were analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, Confidence Analysis, T-test, Single Factor ANOVA, Relation Analysis and Regression Analysis. The results were as following:1. there was a significant correlation among travel motivations, travel images, travel experiences and visitor satisfaction.2. travel motivations, travel images had a positive effect on both travel experiences and visitor satisfaction; travel experiences had a positive effect on visitor satisfaction.3. travel motivations and travel images by the recreational experience that some intermediary impact on visitor satisfaction.