本研究依據Kaplan注意力恢復理論,透過複合式景觀實景影片及視覺景觀模擬手法控制複合式景觀特質,探討生活環境中的複合式景觀與恢復性環境之關係。第一階段以臺北巿立動物園與中正紀念堂為研究場地,第二階段以5組模擬景觀為視覺刺激物,研究對象以具備知覺感受與個人認知等能力,依便利抽樣方式,廣邀各年齡層受測者參與。研究結果顯示複合式景觀元素不同,知覺恢復性有顯著差異,且臺北巿立動物園景觀具有恢復性環境知覺效益。受測者對可親近接觸動物景觀恢復性知覺最強,因此人們會對具有恢復性環境特徵的類似演化棲息地環境產生正向反應;此外,受測者對具攻擊性動物(例如獅子)或具危害性動物(例如鱷魚、蛇)景觀之恢復性環境感受偏低,證明人類會運用演化物競天擇過程中學到的適應反應,避開危險、不確定、令人困惑,或感到壓力的場所,最後則對臺北巿立動物園及未來後續研究提出相關建議。 This study explored the relationship between the effect of a compound-landscape in living environment and the restorative perception. Attention Restoration Theory by Kaplans (1989) proposes that one environment with restorative characteristics can facilitate humans to recover from mental fatigue and stress. The first stage of the research had university students majored in tourism management viewed the videos of actual landscapes of Taipei Zoo and Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall. The result showed that there are significant differences between the elements of compound landscapes and restorative perception, and the landscape of Taipei Zoo has more restorative benefits.After collecting the data, we discovered that both videos contained too many elements, which made it difficult to determine the most crucial factor of human beings’ restorative perception. The second stage of the research invited selected participants to view one set of five pictures of visual stimulation online. And the result showed that the restorative perception of subjects were higher when the participants viewed landscapes with mild animals. However, subjects have a lower restorative perception when viewing landscapes with aggressive animals (such as lions) or hazardous animals (such as crocodiles, snakes). According to the process of human evolutions, human beings have the natural ability to avoid dangertous, uncertain, confusing, or pressured environment. The result of the study proves that human beings’ positive reaction for restorative environment comes from the process of human evolution.