本企劃主要的研究動機是基於研究者對自家所經營之中小企業「又仁科技」的前景與未來有所擔憂,雖然當前公司情況穩定且在業界有著一定口碑,但根據組織成長理論,公司已進入成熟期,若不進行變革活動將逐漸邁向衰退,因此本企劃主要研究問題有以下兩點:1.以又仁科技為例,說明其在經營與管理上的問題為何。2.為又仁科技制定組織變革企畫方案。 過去許多企業變革相關之研究,內容多注重於理論分析以及企畫執行之後的效果分析,對於為企業組織從無到有建構變革企劃之相關研究則較少,本企劃則是對又仁科技進行環境分析與評估之後,針對其在經營上缺少之部分提出變革策略。 根據研究者對又仁科技的觀察與評估之後發現,又仁科技為典型的B2B產業,嚴重缺乏行銷觀念,因此本企劃便將以往用於B2C產業之經營方式導入又仁科技之經營層面,實際執行層面為1.行銷觀念導入 2.市場重新定位 3.組織架構重組等三大重點,研究結果顯示,以上方案在實際執行後再行銷觀念導入部分之企劃,對於又仁科技的績效與收益都有顯著的成長,其他部分則須再行觀察,對又仁科技而言,本企劃無疑為其組織變革之良方。 The main motivation of this project is based on the concern of future prospect from the author's own SME, Yunion. Although the current situation is stable and the company has a certain reputation in the industry, but according to organizational growth theory, the company has entered a mature period. If the company didn’t have any change, it will gradually move towards to a recession. Due to above reasons, the main purpose of the project are the following two parts: First, explain their problems in the operation and management of Yunion.Second, formulate the reorganizing programs of Yunion. Many researches about the reorganizing programs of companies in the past focus on the theoretical and post-reorganization results analysis. There were fewer researches which focus on the process of planning the reorganization projects. This project tries to propose policies for Yunion’s weakness of management after the environmental analysis and assessment. According to author’s observation and evaluation of Yunion, it is a typical B2B technology industry, which lacks of marketing concepts. Therefore, this project wants to put the B2C management model into Yunion. The results in reality separate from three parts: the implantation of marketing, the market repositioning and the organization reconstruction. The result of this project shows Yu Jen technology has grown significantly over the internal management and revenue and benevolence after execution. This project undoubtedly benefits to Yunion.