豐原是台灣糕餅的發祥地,早於清末即享「糕餅之鄉」的盛名;但隨著時代的進步,西方糕點逐漸滲入台灣人民的飲食習慣,面對西式飲食文化之衝擊,傳統糕餅業有逐漸沒落之勢,嚴重威脅著傳統糕餅業的發展與生存。本論文以老雪花齋餅店為例,探討如何結合內部條件以及外部資源創造永續經營的動力。透過文獻探討及深度訪談,分析豐原傳統糕餅產業發展過程、未來規劃等研究問題,以老雪花齋餅店為例,以其經驗傳承分析各代傳承之品牌形象建立、經營管理、產品改良等三大構面,透過SWOT逐一分析,為何老雪花齋餅店能成為豐原傳統糕餅產業之特色廠商。總結歸納影響產業發展的重點因素為:雪花齋與老雪花齋的品牌商標易造成消費者混淆,二世代間經營理念相左,素食養生產品未積極創新研發。研究發現,並提出研究建議以作為個案廠商產業發展之參考與依據。 Fengyuan is the birthplace of traditional pastry as early as the late Qing Dynasty. It got the reputation of “the town of pastry.” With the progress of time, Western pastries gradually infiltrated into the eating habits of Taiwanese. Facing the impact of the Western food culture and gradually declining of traditional pastry, a serious threat to the development and survival of the traditional pastry industry is imminent. In this thesis, take the Old Snowflake Bakery as an example, I discuss how to integrate internal conditions and external resources to create a sustainable business. I review the literature and take in-depth interviews. I use the SWOT analysis to discuss the brand image building by each generation of owners of the Old Snowflake Bakery, management model and product improvement. I try to find out why the Old Snowflake Bakery became a feature bakery in in Fengyuan’s traditional pastry industry.