近年來,社會大眾對於休閒娛樂越來越重視,智慧型導航系統的各家廠牌為滿足不同族群的使用者及各式各樣的需求,造成功能上越來越多樣化,但其功能是否能充分符合使用者需求,或者過多的功能是否會造成使用者選擇困難,在操作介面上多採用ICON圖像操作介面,因此ICON圖像設計的好壞對於使用者在視覺認知上有很大影響,也間接影響智慧型導航系統在使用者操作介面的方便性。 本研究先蒐集市面上現有有家廠牌的智慧型導航系統的功能項目及ICON 圖像,並做出分類及特徵分析,接著進行階層式集群分析做出不同族群對於功能項目需求的確認,再以同質性百分比法評選出最具代表性之ICON 圖像設計及特徵規範。由上述方法進行智慧型導航系統ICON 圖像設計準則訂定,接著以電腦輔助建構進行ICON 圖像介面的改良式設計。 本研究所建構之智慧型導航系統ICON 圖像設計,將提供開發人員在開發智慧型導航系統介面時的參考依據,以開發出更符合使用者需求的ICON 圖像介面。 In recent years, more and more public attention for recreation, intelligent navigation systems various brands to meet the different ethnic groups and a wide range of user needs, resulting in more diverse functions, but its function is able to fully meet user needs, or whether it will cause too much functionality the user chooses difficulties in the operation interface to use more ICON Graphical User Interface, so the quality of the graphic design ICON users have a great impact on visual perception, also indirectly affect the intelligent navigation system in the convenience of the user interface. This research collected brands available in the market smart home navigation system menu items and ICON image and make a classification and characteristic analysis, factor analysisfollowed by different ethnic groups to make confirmation for the functional needs of the project, and then to homogeneity percentage method selected the most representative ICON graphic design and featurespecifications. By the above methods intelligentnavigation system design criteria set ICON image, followed by computer-assisted image constructed for ICON improved interface design. Construction of this study graphic design ICON intelligent navigation system that will provide developers in the development of intelligent navigation system interface reference when, in order to develop a more consistent user interface needs ICON image.