在本論文中,研究者之主旨乃在以鄒族國小為對象,以攝影教學融入其生命教育課程,以其實施上之可行性與影響。為瞭解鄒族學童對於生命教育議題的認知及其學習歷程,本研究乃使用行動研究法,透過攝影作品的蒐集與探討,紀錄學童的學習成果、檢核課程研究的可行性與結果。本研究之成果如下:1. 攝影課程活動後,學童更加認識及愛護自己、家人、環境及其部落文化。2. 透過原住民文化主題教學過程,學生攝影成果表現和合作精神表現兩方面,有長足之進步。3. 攝影教學活動與生命教育課程不但可以搭配進行的,而且其效果超出筆者之預期。 In this paper I would like to research the teaching of photography integrated with life education for Tsou in primary school. In order to investigate explore pupils’ understanding of the themes of the pupils about the theme of life education and their process of learning, in my study applied the methodology of action research, by which I collected their works of photography and discussed together with them, made record the achievement from learning, and reviewed the feasibility and the results of the courses which stand under my research. The results in my paper are as followed: 1. The pupils who are in the courses of photography can know and love themselves, their family, environment and the culture of their tribe more than before. 2. They have big progress of photography and the cooperation between pupils by the course for the culture of native. The evidence shows that photographic teaching integrated with Life Education can achieve a better learning.