歐盟於2003年與2005年公布了「電機電子設備回收指令(WEEE)」與「限用有害物質指令(RoHS)」以及「產品生態化設計指令(EuP)」,要求歐盟各國依照這些項指令所制定的法規與制度,自行訂定符合各會員國的對應法規,這對我國資訊電子產業的衝擊重大,因為我國出口產品若無法符合RoHS與EuP規範,或是沒有與當地回收體系統簽約註冊,產品將無法輸入歐盟成員國市場,所謂的綠色環保似乎已成為先進國所採用的貿易障礙手段。本研究探討包括:1. 探討歐盟環境政策之歷史及發展歷程與WEEE/RoHS/EuP指令規範定義;2. 探討環保指令對我國電子業者的影響;3. 探討環保指令是否成為技術性貿易障礙;4. 探討政府與廠商在WEEE/RoHS/EuP指令的因應之策。 The environmental Directives—“Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment(WEEE)”, “Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substance(RoHS)”, “Eco-Design Requirements for Using Products(EuP)”— were announced by the European Union in 2003 and 2005. The content require that EU countries to accord with these regulations and systems made of the above three orders. Each EU member state should legislate to conform the regulations. Products will be excluded from entering the European Union if they cannot meet the strict RoHS and EuP requirements or are not registered in local recycling organizations. This study through the analysis and discussion in the following respects:1. to understand the background, contents, and trend of WEEE/RoHS/EuP in the European Union;2. to evaluate the influences of environmental directives of European Union on electronic industry in Taiwan;3. to investigate the correlation between WEEE/RoHS/EuP and Technical Barriers to Trade;4. to assess countermeasures by related industrial companies and the government.