收驚是現代宗教文化中,常見的儀式行為。人們在生活中,多半都曾有接觸。然而卻不甚清楚,究竟收驚儀式的內涵是什麼?即使是收驚儀式的操作者,亦可能無法具體為收驚界定範疇,將詞彙的概念具體陳述。研究者本身即具有收驚的能力,接觸相關文化已經年累月;卻發現在臺灣境內,雖然收驚儀式普遍盛行,但大多數人對於收驚的概念,不甚了了。有鑑於此,為使傳統文化得以在科學時代有嶄新的面貌,入潮流中與時俱進。因此,以收驚議題作為研究,冀願以此賦予承古傳今的價值體現。 收驚議題所涉及的人文社會層面甚為深廣,非單一論文所能具體描繒,因此,本篇研究架構的形成,主要以四個題型為核心:一、收驚歷史觀探討。二、收驚的宗教神靈學。三、中醫學的受驚觀點與神靈思想。四、小兒收驚實務資料檢證。 收驚的源流歷史,在現象的觀察中,涉及朝代政府對宗教發展的作法,並亦反映於地方民情認同信仰的態度。收驚儀式的神靈學元素,自上古時期承續至今。廣泛流行於民間,並成為道教信仰體系的內涵之一,其後隨教派的興盛而廣為流傳。道藏經典中有不少收驚神靈應用概念論述的相關記載;為使焦點集中與深入,因此選定幼童收驚為討論重點。由於收驚的形成與應用,主要為現實生活的人們而服務,並非單純以形而上的意識特質為侷限範圍。因此,筆者同時擇選各朝代中醫學書籍為引證,摘錄相關的病兆或解釋,以作為理論的補充,及實務解釋內容的憑據。至於現代幼童收驚的問卷調查分析,則足以適當反映地區人口的收驚現象。所得顯示資料,除可借以詮釋收驚內涵中,象徵神靈學內涵的有無,並驗證其對生活的影響。同時也能檢證收驚是否具有輔助現行醫療體系功能不足的作用。 The “recall of a frightened soul” (hereinafter, “the recall”) is an age-old, common and popular religious ritual that many people in Taiwan more or less have taken part in it. However, probably, the experienced ritual masters may not be able to demarcate the ritual in clear terms, not to even mention that the participants often do not have a clear picture of what kind of ritual it actually is. In view of this, this thesis hopes to reinterpret this special ritual from a modern and medical/scientific point of view. Yet, as the ritual is related to a wide spectrum of humanities and culture, it will be beyond the scope of this thesis to cover all of them. We will narrow down and focus on the following specially-selected aspects: 1. The historical conceptions of the frightened soul recall; 2. The religious spiritualism of the frightened soul recall; 3. The frightened soul recall from the point of view of the traditional Chinese medicine; 4. Selected practical case studies of the frightened soul recall. The origin and history of the recall is closely related to the policies on religions adopted by the dynastic regimes in ancient China, and the attitudes of the local folks. The recall ritual, which contain obvious psychic and spiritual elements, has passed down to the present time since time immemorial. It eventually became an integrated part of Daoism, and spread widely among the local folks along with the prosperity of Daoist sects. In Daoist canons, there has been a lot of discussions concerning its application. Its recipients range from children to adults, showing that the ritual is very practical (rather than being metaphysical) that it readily applies to one’s everyday life and intends to solve one’s daily problems. This thesis will narrow down its scope to those recalls performed to children, and cite references from from the works of the traditional Chinese medicine composed in the ancient times which contain expositions of the symptoms caused by fright, as well as modern case studies as a means to illustrate the theory of the recall. An analysis of a questionnaire on the topic concerned will also be conducted to witness the recall phenomenon in selected districts in Taiwan. It hopes to illustrate the existence of the spiritual beings and their influences on one’s everyday life through data analysis. We also want to emphasize that the recall can be an effective auxiliary to the modern medical treatment that the two can collaborate with each other.