台灣即將面臨流失的二十個傳統技藝註1之一--移屋(又稱車厝註2),全省的匠師群概由嘉義縣朴子市一帶發展出來,近年來因匠師年齡日益增長有老化趨勢與產業式微,從傳統土角厝註3、竹編屋註4、三合院、寺廟等歷史建築物的搬遷挪移技藝已逐漸凋零消失,本研究以實地人物訪談與案例探討為主,文獻史料的收集分析為輔,祈能彙編以技術為主體的台灣建築物搬遷挪移之發展脈絡,保存原有移屋傳統技藝風貌並喚醒社會大眾對本項傳統技藝薪火傳承之重視。 本研究以探討建築物搬遷挪移技術的相關課題為主,論述內容涵蓋以下四點: 一、台灣建築物搬遷挪移「車厝」的發展過程。二、以嘉義縣願景館為案例,分析台灣建築物搬遷挪移「車厝」之技術工法。三、台灣車厝產業的歷史系譜淵源及產業發展狀況。四、 台灣、日本、大陸、美國、歐洲等國,對於不同的遷移規劃、工程規模、施工技術、工具使用、法規等提出相互比較及搬遷技術經驗,提出檢討與建議。 Taiwan will soon face the loss of one of the traditional art ---- shift housing. Most of the special traditional art craftsmen group developed from the Yonghe, Puzi, Chiayi County. The shifting art skill of traditional soil angular house, bamboo house, the traditional courtyard houses, temples and other buildings of historic has the problem of shortage of talent due to the industrial decline and the average aging growth of the craftsmen recently. This study mainly focuses on the characters’ interviews and case studies along with the collection and analyze of historical documents. Hope to compile the context of the development of the buildings’ shift activities and to preserve the traditional art of the original shifting house skill also awaken public emphasis to pass down the tradition. As Taiwan's economic takeoff, the urban renewal plan gradually adjusts. It’s getting difficult to maintain the historical buildings. The passing down of the shifting technology system can’t be wait. This study will review the process of shifting technology, shifting tools and the related legal regulations in Taiwan, Japan, China, the United States and Europe by the preservation of the building restoration concept and implementation of practical technology. After proposing comparison and review, hope to enhance the engineering capabilities of the shift housing industry and develop the standard operating processing and engineering techniques which adapt to the existing environmental characteristics and take into account the economic, security and accuracy.