本研究的主要目的在於探討自2005年以來中共對台政策,選擇此一題目的主要原因是自2003年胡錦濤接班並主政後,中共對台政策及策略與江澤民主政時期有了顯著不同,2005年中國國民黨主席連戰訪問大陸,與胡錦濤進行了「連胡會」,此後中共藉由「兩岸經貿文化論壇」(亦即國共論壇)平台對台釋放利多。綜觀歷次國共論壇,中共以經濟及文化兩大主軸對台施展軟實力,2008年馬英九總統上任後,中共更是透過「江陳會」與台灣簽署多項協議,持續對台灣讓利。在經濟上,中共對台的經濟軟實力,恐造成台灣過度依賴中共而影響政府政策決定,而以經濟綁住政治,走向以經促統、以商逼政;在文化上,由於中共與台灣有共同的歷史淵源,文化背景也極為相似,故中共企圖以文化認同對台實施軟實力,透過文化軟實力,激發民族文化的感召力,進而提高中華文化的影響力,以達其和平統一之目的。中共對台的柔性策略,與西方國際關係理論的新自由主義大師約瑟夫•奈伊(Joseph Nye)提出的「軟實力」論有頗多相合之處,本文將逐一探討與剖析中共對台軟實力之影響。本研究發現中共經濟及文化軟實力的相互運用,將使台灣人民對國家認同及民族意識削減,所以台灣應加以防範,故在往後的國共論壇及會談內容,應於不損及國家主權及人民福祉原則下,以促進雙方共贏的局面。 The main purpose of this research is to examine the PRC’s Taiwan policies since 2005. The differences of China’s Taiwan policies under Jiang Zemin’s and Hu Jintao’s rule are the reason that the author chooses this research topic. After the KMT chairman-Lien Chan visiting of China in 2005, Beijing releases may benefits to Taiwan through the KMT-CCP forums. Observing the past KMT-CCP forums, we can see that Beijing implemented its soft powers by economic and cultural ways. After president Ma Ying-Jeou taking office, Beijing signs many agreements and releases many benefits to Taipei in the Jiang-Chen talks continually. Beijing’s implementing of its soft power toward Taipei will deepen the dependence of Taiwan on China economically, and will influence the decision-making of the central government of Taiwan. Beijing’s implanting of soft power will also arise the Chinese influence on Taiwan culturally. The PRC’s soft strategies on its Taiwan policies are similar to the ‘soft power’ theory proposed by Joseph Nye. After using the ‘soft power’ theory to analyze the PRC’s Taiwan polices after 2005, the study found that Beijing’s use economic and cultural soft powers will influence Taiwan’s national identity. Therefore, Taiwan should keep alert and should try to pursue ‘win-win’ situation in the following KMT-CCP forums and Jiang-Chen talks.