本研究首先論述了我國軍事戰略的演變歷程,而本文探討重點「防衛固守、有效嚇阻」歷經三次的轉變,首次於李登輝時期提出,強調不再對大陸採取挑釁的軍事行動,企圖建立嚇阻力量,來懾止兩岸戰爭的爆發。接著陳水扁執政,強調要將「守勢防禦」調整為「攻勢防禦」,於是更改為「有效嚇阻、防衛固守」,強調嚇阻之重於防衛的重要性。直至馬英九上任,又更改回「防衛固守、有效嚇阻」,強調應以防禦性武器為主,並藉由「信心建立措施」建立起相互信任。面對日漸失衡的台海軍事現況,進行深入探討我國應以防衛為主,抑或以嚇阻為重。 而波灣戰爭一役打響了巡弋飛彈的名號,亦使得巡弋飛彈成為精準打擊武器的首要代表。在我國宣示不發展核武,又需兼顧嚇阻之效時,巡弋飛彈成為我國軍備最佳選項,而我國亦有研發巡弋飛彈之實力,並針對我國巡弋飛彈發展現況進行剖析。 This paper first review the progress of Taiwan’s military strategy. “Tenaciousdefense and Effective deterrence” changed for three times. The president Li Deng Hui first proposed this strategy. It emphasized that no more take provocative military actions to China, and tried to establish a deterrencing force to prevent the war happened between Taiwan and China. Second, the president Chen Shui Bian changed its turns to “Effective deterrence and Tenacious defense”. He focus on offensive defence, and emphasized on the importance of deterrence than on defense. Until the president Ma Ying Jiu, he changed back to “Tenacious defense and Effective deterrence”. It emphasized on defensive weapons, and tried to establish mutual confidence by CBMs. It needs to deeply investigate that Taiwan should focus on deterrence or on defense. The cruise missile became famous after the Gulf War, and it also became the primary representative of the precision strike weapons. The cruise missile also was the best weapon option in Taiwan after our government declared that we won’t develop the nuclear weapons. We have the ability to R&D the cruise missile.And in this paper, we also discuss the developing status of the cruise missile inour country.