本研究針對某技職體系資訊管理學系學生所製作的畢業專題為研究標的,以了解其畢業專題的發展走向。本研究搜集了民國83年到100年間畢業學生的專題總計924篇,以內容分析法來分析資訊管理系成立以來的專題議題,依本研究議題分為四大類依序為「資訊系統應用」、「使用對象」、「資訊科技與技術」及「管理議題」。趨勢分析結果顯示「資訊系統應用」中的「網站架設」與「多媒體應用」為二個主要的發展趨勢,也顯示個案學校所培育出來的學生,較著重在系統面與實務操作面的議題探討。 This thesis aims at realizing the development Evolutionary of graduation projects by way of the students’ graduate projects from the department of information management in one of the technology colleges. This thesis has collected the 924 copies on students’ graduation projects during the period of 1994 till 2011. By analyzing the content of the project topics toward the department of information management since it has been established up, this thesis consists of four parts, including “Information System Application” , “ Users ” ,“Information Technology” as well as “ Management.” Following the Evolutionary analysis result, it shows both “Website”. and “Multimedia Application” have been the two major development Evolutionary in the “Information System Application”. This research also shows that the students in technology colleges do care the topic discussion on both aspects of system and practical operation.