摘要: | 辯證意象:書寫府城的懷舊現代性 本研究企圖建構一種班雅明(Walter Benjamin)式的城市空間的寓言書寫,班雅明將城市 體驗轉為文字。儘管阿多諾(Theodor Adorno)批評班雅明式、避開傳統敘述模式的文體與評 論「缺乏體系和一種嚴密的基礎」,然而這種思維跳躍、邏輯不連貫、類似用「引文」、蒙太 奇似構成的文體,卻也蘊含了豐富的敘事性,充分展現班雅明對於十九世紀巴黎現代文明的 矛盾曖昧的態度,捕捉都市中紛呈堆疊的,千變萬化的幻景(phantasmagoria)。 本計畫企圖融合班雅明的哲學觀點,應用在台南市城市寓言的書寫上,捕捉台南升格交 界的都市幻景。研究方法主要分為三部份;一、「看的辯證」(the Dialectics of Seeing):班雅明 的城市思維發展軌跡研討,二、城市收藏家:台南辯證意象的書寫,三、城市寓言書:懷舊 現代性的詮釋。別於傳統都市社會學的研究模式,慣於採用歸納整理,歷時性的脈絡陳述, 具有系統性與結構組織的研究特質,本計畫採班雅明式的不拘泥遵循傳統系統式、理性的分 析架構,無須清楚的界線,也不一定要追尋純粹的或完整的意義的行走觀察、體驗、記錄、 書寫,閱讀台南市的種種表徵,詮釋城市經驗,建構台南城市的辯證形象(dialectical images), 希冀城市經驗透過書寫而變的清晰,城市經驗得以「繁衍和深化」,藉由書寫城市可見與不可 見將重獲新生。 The Dialectical Images: Writing on Nostalgic Modernity of Tainan City This research seeks to explore the urban complex of Tainan city and interpret the result by mimicking Benjamin’s writing style in terms of allegory writing. Walter Benjamin’s great unfinished work The Arcades Project, which appears as a random assemblage of notes and quotation, has become an emblem of the reflection on modernity of Europe in the 19th century. The Arcades Project does not represent city phenomena in any conventional way. It is nevertheless still important to consider what his work can offer to urban historian. The Arcades Project offers the most sustained attempt to realize the physiognomy of Paris, which depend on this perspective, with the “flâneur”, “a person who walks the city in order to experience it”. The flâneur, a writer, a narrator of the city, read the city and find that the city is converted into “phantasmagoria”, a concept that Benjamin repeatedly employs and is related to the term of “commodity fetishism”. This project objective mainly focuses on catching the dialectical images of Tainan city while its upgrading to a direct-controlled municipality is on the way. This project will conduct a detailed reading of Benjamin’s city writings in order to unfold his dialectics of seeing. Secondly, in the case of the flâneur moving through the physical city, the project will construct a portrait of the city: images, as imagined, created, destroyed, manipulated and lived. Finally, it is my intention to convert the images, sustained metaphors, into an allegorical writing, in which the meaning of the city is conveyed symbolically. |