歐盟與中國對於參與國際多邊制度的態度或更為明確的情況下,多邊主義或已成 為中國與歐洲在面對美國主導國際體系中的共同語言,然而表面上以多邊主義與 多邊外交作為對外戰略訴求的論述,其背後隱含東西方對於多邊主義原理、運作 以及對於國際秩序期待的戰略文化或仍呈現可資對照之處,亦即,當中國官方以 多邊主義作為融入國際體系並以其作為維持現狀訴求的表現時,可與歐洲傳統以 來所實踐的多邊主義意涵形成對照;同時中國倡議歐洲傳統多邊主義的效應,對 於推動世界多極化發展之關係,亦是本計畫探究之重點。 While the EU and China engage with international institutions, multilateralism plausibly becomes their common language in the face of America’s dominance in the international system. Although both appeal to multilateralism and multilateral diplomacy as their strategy, the elements and operation of multilateralism as well as the strategic culture embedded their expectations of international order are worthy of comparison. In other words, the Chinese government reassures its status quo through multilateralism as a way to engage with the international system, which is well-worth comparing with European long-standing multilateralism. Meanwhile, this project analyzes the effects of China’s advocate for European multilateralism, which may relate with Beijing’s promotion of multipolarity in the future.