大中華區域媒體市場的落實與運作:政治、經濟與文化的互動實踐— 分析比較香港與台灣的電視產業在與中國簽署經貿合作協定後的發展策略 本研究計畫係透過「結構因素」的分析,來探討包括中國大陸、台灣及香港在內的區域媒體市場的緣起、成型與近來的發展運作,尤其是在香港於2004年與中國大陸簽署執行CEPA(Close Economic Partnership Agreement)之後,香港的電視產業運作所出現的變化,和2011年台灣與中國大陸簽署執行了ECFA(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)之後,台灣電視產業出現的結構性改變,加以比較分析,以檢視「大中華區域媒體市場」在中國大陸的政治力影響下,對於其中位於邊陲位置的台灣與香港的電視產業會造成何種衝擊和影響。 The functioning and operation of the Greater China regional media market : A comparative study of Hong Kong and Taiwan TV Industries after the signing the economic cooperation agreements with China This study attempts to analyze the operation of “The Grater China regional media market”, consisting of China, Taiwan and Hong Kong through the “structural factors”, such as the geopolitics and economic dependency. Especially, this project tries to explore the changes and challenges facing Hong Kong TV Industry, after the signing CEPA with China, to compare the structural changes experienced by Taiwan TV Industry after its signing ECFA with China. Nowadays, China has already become the center of the regional media market, when Taiwan and Hong Kong had been displaced into the two peripheries of this regional media market. This comparative study is aiming to examine the functioning and operation of the Grater China regional media market after China has flexed its political muscle and economic advantage.