近三十年來,許多學者努力探討能預測複雜性哀傷的危險因子,以及哀傷諮商的介入策略。了解預測複雜性哀傷的因子,即可提供高危險群的及早介入。本研究針對一對成人期初期喪母的姐弟,探討其接受哀傷諮商後,主觀知覺諮商的幫助及在諮商前後的改變。這對姐弟在不預期的情況下面對母親遭遇殺害,而這對姐弟有多項特徵符合複雜性哀傷的危險因子。事發之後,一位諮商心理師介入危機處理及後續的哀傷諮商。整個介入持續至死亡事件後十五個月,這對姐弟分別接受18次、13次個別諮商及2次手足諮商,並於諮商結束後一週內接受個別深度訪談。本研究採用敘說研究方法中的「整體─內容」資料分析架構來分析訪談資料。研究結果發現,姐姐在接受諮商前後的改變之核心故事軸線為控制信念的流轉,伴隨而來的是對自己的接納及與他人關係的改變,和負向情緒和症狀的減緩;而弟弟的核心故事軸線是對媽媽愛的重新定義,伴隨而來的是控制觀的鬆動、對自我的接納以及與姐姐關係的改變。本研究進一步討論姐弟改變的異同之處、改變與哀傷復原及減少複雜性哀傷的危險因子之關聯。最後,本研究並提出對未來研究及哀傷諮商實務的建議。 Many researchers have explored the risk factors predicting complicated grief, and the treatment of complicated grief for the past thirty years. By understanding the risk factors, we can intervene early for the population at risk. Using narrative analysis, this research explored a sibling’s perception of change after grief counseling. This sibling experienced the homicide of their mother, and they had many characteristics in accordance with the risk factors of complicated grief. After the death of their mother, a counselor provided crisis intervention and grief counseling for 15 months. The older sister had 18 sessions of individual counseling while the younger brother had 13, along with 2 sessions of counseling involved both siblings. Individual in-depth interviews with each sibling were conducted, and data were analyzed by narrative analysis oriented qualitative method. The findings indicated that the core axis of the older sister’s changing story before and after the counseling was the transformation of locus of control. Then self-acceptance, the change of relationships with others, remission or change of emotional and physical symptoms followed this change. The core axis of the younger brother’s changing story was redefinition of love to his mother. Then the locus of control could be loosed, and he could accept his crying. In addition, the younger brother perceived a closer relationship with the older sister. The differences within the sibling’s change were discussed, the change and remission of symptoms were discussed further with bereavement rehabilitation and the reduction of the risk factors of complicated grief. At last, suggestions for further research and practice were discussed.