鑑於同儕團體的影響,加上衝動控制、時間管理能力較差等因素,青少年似乎是手機的高度使用群體,也可能是手機成癮的高風險群。本研究試圖了解我國高中學生使用手機的行為。本研究問卷內容包括個人資料、手機使用行為、手機功能使用情形以及手機成癮量表四個部份;採分層隨機抽樣,選取六所國、私立高中(職)一年級學生作為調查對象。經統計,超過八成的花蓮高一學生擁有手機,擁有手機的時間是從國小高年級開始明顯增加,國一時到達高峰,國二、三稍稍下降,但到高中以後,又進入第二個高峰期;經常聯絡的對象主要還是以家人、朋友跟同學為主。學生常用來通話、聽音樂、傳送簡訊、鬧鐘計時的功能;另外,打電動玩遊戲、拍照攝影、看影片圖片也是時常使用的手機功能。關於手機成癮的情形,統計顯示學生不至於花太多時間使用手機,並未因為不能使用手機而感到憂鬱、焦慮,且使用手機的時間與次數大致維持中等 The mobile phone has become a necessity for young people in their daily lives. A lot of studies indicate that interpersonal contacts and interaction to the outside world have been dramatically decreasing as the dependency on the mobile phone usage keeps increasing. Thus, this research examined the phenomenon of mobile phone addictions and the phone usage from the senior high school students. The questionnaire is derived from Liao’s study and the CTAS Scale by Merlo & Stone. The stratified random sampling was conducted in the 6 Hualien senior high schools. The results showed most of students owned mobile phones. First time to own a mobile phone peaks at 5-7 grades and second does the freshmen in senior high schools. 45% of students have more than 41 contacts in their phone books. The results also show that those mobile phones users actually don’t spend a lot of time on phone. And even when they can’t use it, they don’t feel anxious and depressed. Thus, no addictions have been found so far. But the academic performance is negatively associated with their possession rates of mobile phones.