本研究旨在探討電子書市在現今之數位科技環境下,以及眾多廠商投入時間與金錢之後,仍處於萌而不發的階段,除了數位內容產品本身的特質及軟硬體使用習慣的調整外,應有更深刻的市場意涵,本研究之目的即在提出一可行的解決方案。 本研究採質性研究方法,使用文獻分析法、個案研究及深度訪談法,以文獻探討圖書之媒體本質、智慧財產權及商業平台之相關議題,其後以Visa Inc. 為個案研究,探討其商業模式及成功軌跡,並據以提出一創新的電子書平台商業模式,最後以深度訪談來修正平台實施的可行性。 研究結果發現:電子書市確實需要一個新的及穩定的商業模式,以利供需兩端順利進行交易,本研究所提出之平台解決方案或許可行,然仍有改善修正的空間,期望能為市場帶來一個新的思考方向,並對電子書產業的成熟盡一分心力。 This study explores that in today’s technological -- digital and network, environment, the e-book market is surprisingly under-developed relative to the music industries. Although sufficient time and investment has already been made, the market lacks a strong business model which has slowed market growth vs. expectations. While many assume that the key issue behind slow market adoption of e-books is related to the usability of the devices -- the hardware available to consumers, this is in fact not the main issue. What is preventing market development, is the fact that a key player is missing within the business model. A hub specifically focused on the e-commerce administration of e-books, namely the collection, storage, and distribution of content related to the business, is needed to progress the overall development of this market. This study attempts to review the basis of the e-book market and business model, from a supply and demand perspective, to assess the stakeholders and determine who/what is really needed. Through deeper review of market dynamics, including comparisons to other e-industries, this study offers a specific solution to facilitating e-book industry growth, spurring content availability and ease of user adoption. A new business platform model is recommended and the specific changes which need to occur to ensure progress, are examined and described in detail.