台灣農業產值佔國民生產毛額之比重逐年下降,台灣加入世界貿易組織後,農業更面臨嚴峻的挑戰,農業沒落,農村青年嚴重外流,務農者以高齡老農為主,以致農村社區逐漸凋敝頹廢。然而隨著國人休閒旅遊型態的改變,鄉村旅遊對農村社區帶來希望,但也帶來隱憂,如何永續社區及農業發展,鄉村旅遊為選項之一,本研究從相關文獻探討,並選擇有意發展鄉村旅遊之農村社區-嘉義縣大林鎮北勢社區,以半結構式方式,對社區居民深入訪談,深入了解社區居民對鄉村旅遊等相關議題之認知及期望,並蒐集及調查北勢社區人口結構、環境資源、人文、產業狀況及社區總體營造過程,結果發現北勢社區的核心資源為「純樸的鄉村性、諸羅樹蛙、自行車道及社區總體營造精神」,經由鄉村旅遊、社區總體營造等文獻探討及參酌對北勢社區之研究,本研究具體建構適合北勢社區永續發展之鄉村旅遊模式。並提出以社區為核心發展鄉村旅遊的三大課題之永續經營模式,即應先落實「社區經營」,妥善「資源管理」,並建構「旅遊管理」系統,並對上開三大課題,與北勢社區現況,提出應對方案,提供北勢社區及有意發展鄉村旅遊之社區參考,期望能讓發展鄉村旅遊之社區永續發展。 The segment of agricultural production has been shrinking in terms of GPD. The impact on agriculture caused by WTO is going to be predictably severe. Taiwan’s farming communities are now facing a sterner challenge besides brain drain and aging farmers. WTO has worsened the situation that has already been vulnerable. However, with the rise of growing demand of leisure and relaxation, rural tourism provides the farming communities with a great transition opportunity for the traditional agriculture. Promoting rural tourism, as a result, becomes an ideal option for sustainable development of farming communities. By interviewing locals, gathering population structure and nature resources, this article aims to discover the potential resources that a farming community has to offer. Beishi, a farming community in Chiayi County, has long been rich in varieties of ecological environment and rural prospects. With highly motivation of developing rural tourism, Beishi community is chosen as a research target. Based on a field investigation, this research puts forward three major proposals: make workable community management plan, map out proper resource management and construct tourism management system. This research also aims at the current Beishi community, and correspondent problems with projects are offered to Beishi residents.