2003年雲林古坑舉辦了第一屆台灣咖啡節,一炮而紅,自此之後,古坑咖啡幾乎成為台灣咖啡的代名詞。隔年台南東山鄉緊追在後,舉辦了第一屆東山咖啡節,而其他縣市如嘉義阿里山、南投惠蓀、屏東德文、花蓮舞鶴、台東鹿野也將咖啡視為新興產業,大力推廣。加上農委會的「一縣市一特色、一鄉鎮一特產」,交通部觀光處的「每月一節慶」,使各地新興節慶如雨後春荀般出現。 本研究以東山咖啡節為對象,針對參與節慶活動的單位,如公部門-台南縣農業處及觀光旅遊處,私部門-五家咖啡業者,非營利組織-東山鄉農會、東山咖啡產業發展協進會、中小企業榮譽指導員協進會及台南縣登山協會。本研究採用質性研究法、深度訪談法、參與觀察法,並就訪談內容進行資料分析,以瞭解東山咖啡產業現況及面臨的困境,東山咖啡節慶活動的成效及未來發展。 而研究者發現:1.東山咖啡業者轉型尚未成功。2.東山咖啡產業缺乏銷售通路。3.東山咖啡節慶活動僅能吸引短暫人潮。4.東山咖啡節非營利組織間欠缺整合。5.東山咖啡產業發展協進會欠缺實務經驗。根據研究結果分別對公部門、業者及非營利組織提出個人意見,期望對東山咖啡產業能有所助益,東山咖啡節慶活動能更有特色,更深入人心,辦得更長久。 The First Taiwan Coffee Festival was held in Gukeng, Yunlin County in the year 2003. It was an immediate success. Since then Gukeng coffee has almost become synonymous with Taiwan coffee. In the following year, Dongshan Township in Tainan County followed suit with its First Dongshan Coffee Festival. Since then coffee cultivation was considered as a new agricultural project and spared no effort in promoting it. This study takes the Dongshan coffee project as a case, focusing on the interactions among the public sector (such as the Agricultural Office and Tourism Office of Tainan County), the private sector (such as five coffee enterprise owners), nonprofit organizations (such as Dongshan Farmers Association, Dongshan Association for the Development of Coffee Industry, Association of Honorary Advisors for Small and Medium Enterprises, and Tainan County Mountain Climbers Association). We have found the following results:(1) Those who took part in the new coffee projects in Dongshan have not yet successfully transformed to this new enterprise from their old ones. (2) The Dongshan coffee industry lacks sale networks.(3) The Dongshan Coffee Festivals can attract only short-term customers.(4) There is no coordination among the nonprofit organizations during the Dongshan Coffee Festivals.(5) The Dongshan Association for the Development of Coffee Industry lacks practical experience.