我國石化工業的發展,國家機關佔了非常重要的角色。從其歷史脈絡中可以探尋出石化業資本主與國家機關之間,存在著密不可分的關係。也正因為如此,當社會出現反對高耗能、高二氧化碳排放量的石化業繼續對面積狹小,且石化廠比率偏高的台灣地區進行投資,而及國際環境又出現排廢減量要求時,國家機關多以經濟成長及科技理性面對社會意識的抗爭,並輔以公權力為資本主護航以完成其投資;而一旦社會意識高到國家機關認為必須有所重視時,石化業資本主則可能以外移方式影響國家機關決策。換言之,從歷史脈絡發展中,可以清楚的看出未來石化業發展的四個重要因素分別是國家機關、企業主、民間社會與國際環境。而此四者將交互影響著我國石化業的發展方向。 再就即將全面量產的我國民間最大投資案-「六輕」來說,其興建與發展過程正是上述四大變數交互影響的最佳例子。當國家機關以經濟成長為由面對社會意識時,類似六輕這種龐大的投資案所帶來的勞動力大量雇用,削弱或分化了民間的反對力量,這種情形在經濟不景氣中尤其顯然;而當經濟面對景氣或上揚階段時,石化業的耗能特性使其不易面對強調高科技競爭的時代,而六輕的多角化經營型態,亦正提供與成為石化業主參考與仿傚的對象。 換言之,企業主儘早體認本身實力、社會意識與國際環境意向,在配合國家機關政策下,提升技術製程與跨產業結合經營,成為石化業未來發展的可能方式。 In the past twenty years,manufacturing industry has been the core of Taiwan's economic development.However,along with the prosperity and the rising awareness of environmental protection in Taiwan,the acquisition of industrial land has become more difficult.In order to take issues of environmental protection and quality of life into consideration,and to meet the demand for large-scale industrial land of basic industries,Industrial Development Bureau (IDB),Ministry of Economic Affairs has begun to promote the development of basic industrial towns since 1989. After elaborate location evaluation,feasibility analysis,and environmental impact analysis,IDB selected the west coast of Yunlin county to develop Yunlin Offshore Industrial Estate.The project was futher approved by the Excutive Yuan.The total area forthis district is 15,680 hectares(include the water area).One of the planning concept is the NO.6 Naphtha cracker plant that is invested by Formosa Plastic Group. In the research of petrochemical industry would like to know how it should be and would be in the future according by history of petrochemical industry and the experience of the NO.6 Naphtha cracker plant.Try to find out the way of petrochemical industry in the future is the most important in this research.