摘要: | 本研究旨在探討國民小學低年級學生之死亡態度,生死教育內涵、生死教育接受及人口變項之差異。設計適合國小低年級生死教育課程之教學活動並實施及檢討教學成效。依據研究結果,提出國小低年級生死教育課程規劃方案、教學活動設計及教學資源運用之具體建議,作為推展國小低年級生死教育課程實施之參考。本研究藉由課程的設計、教材的選擇、教法的多樣化,讓學生能在預期的期待下,獲得預期的目標。生死教育是融合生命教育和死亡教育,期使學生能在學習後,對死亡的態度能有正向的改變,對生死教育的內涵和生死教育的接受,能較未學習前更接受此課程。 國小低年級是屬於具體思考的階段,故對於死亡已經有概念,研究者以「兒童死亡態度量表」為蒐集資料的工具,進行預試、前測、後測,作為量的分析。以「課程回饋單」作為質的分析。研究方法採「不相等組的前測─後測設計」,研究對象以九十學年度台中市忠孝國小二年級某兩班分別為實驗組和控制組,所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計方法加以處理。經分析後發現: 一、實驗組在死亡關切度顯著高於控制組。 二、實驗組在死亡接受度顯著高於控制組。 三、實驗組在生死教育課程的需求度顯著高於控制組。 四、實驗組在生死教育課程的接受度顯著高於控制組。 根據上述的研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 學校生死教育的推展: (一)學校應將生死教育納入正式課程─小學低年級學生對於生死教育的內涵均表贊成實施,研究者在實施的過程中,發現學生會熱烈討論學習的主題,並認真完成學習單。 (二)生死教育融入學校其他活動─國小推行生死教育的方式,可配合節慶或比賽來實施。 (三)生死教育應結合社區資源─國小各班均已成立班親會,可運用的學習資源很多,可邀請家長針對學習主題,提供相關之協助。 (四)應有計畫蒐集生死教育資源─可以參考南華大學生死學研究所出版的「生死學通訊」、安寧照顧基金會發行的「安寧照顧會訊」、財團法人佛教僧伽醫護基金會出版的「僧伽醫護會刊」等。 (五)國小應推廣生死教育之教學─國小生死教育的教學,儘量是生活化、溫馨化、多樣化。 (六)生死教育應和九年一貫課程配合─九年一貫課程的主要特色是以學生為中心,以學校本位課程設計為主,強調知識與生活的緊密連結。 社會生死教育的推廣: (一)善用傳播媒體的報導 (二)成立生死教育研究中心 (三)廣設生死教育推廣中心 The purposes of this study were to find out the difference on death attitude, life and death education content and acceptance, population variants for 2nd grade elementary school students;to design suitable life and death education teaching activities, then implement and discuss the effect of the teaching activities. Based on this study, to propose concrete suggestion on elementary school lower grades students’ life and death education courses, teaching activities and teaching resources application, which could be the reference for implement of life and death education courses at elementary school. Through the design of courses, choice of program, variety of teaching,students were under expected condition to achieve predictable goal. The life and death education consists of life education and death education. The study expects students through learning could have positive changes toward death and accept more life and death education content and recognition. Students at the 2nd grade are at the concrete-operational stage, they already have the concept of death. The researcher uses “ Children’s Death Attitude Scale” as the data collection tool to predictive-test, pretest and posttest to quantity analysis, uses “Program Feedback Sheet” as the quality analysis. Study method applies “the pretest-posttest nonequivalent-groups design”. Samples were certain of two classes students at 2nd grade of Taichung Chung-Hsiao Elementary School, dividing into experimental and control groups. The data is processed by statistics methods such as T-test, the one-factor analysis of variance etc. After analysis, the study finds out the following results: 1.Experimental group has more concerned on death than control group. 2.Experimental group has more acceptance to death than control group. 3.Experimental group has more demand on life and death education program than control group. 4.Experimental group has more acceptance to life and death education program than control group. Based on the above results, the researcher proposes the following suggestions: 1.Implementation of life and death education in school. (1)The school should list life and death education as a formal curriculum: The 2nd grade students agree the education should be taken and like to discuss the subjects and carefully finish the Life-Death Learning Sheet. (2)The life and death education should involve in school other activities: The activities could be held in some special festival or practice in contest. (3)The life and death education should combine with community resources: Every class has set up parents-meeting. The school could invite parents to provide related support to different learning subject. (4)The collection of life and death education resources should be under planning: We could take reference such as “Newsletter of Life and Death Studies” issued by Life and Death graduate school of Nan-Hua University, “Newsletter of Hospice Care ” issued by Hospice Foundation of Taiwan, “Newsletter of Monk Nursing” published by Monk Nursing Foundation etc. (5) The life and death education should be practiced in teaching in elementary school: The program should be lively, caring and variant. (6) The life and death education should company with Nine-Year Joint Curriculum Program: The main characteristics of the program is the students are the center, focus on school main program and combine knowledge and life closely. 2.Implementation of life and death education in society. (1)Well utilize mass media to report to the public. (2)Set up life and death education research center. (3)Build many life and death education promotion center. |