多數的知識管理系統較少具備有因考慮到「知識的本質」而進行的管理動作、或針對「知識流型態」而設計出的對應功能,導致開發建置而成的知識管理系統與一般資訊管理系統並無明顯的差異,且對輔助組織進行知識管理活動所能造成的效果是非常有限的。 有鑑於此,本研究整理研究相關文獻後,推導出一個較適切的知識管理系統建置模式,使系統設計者得以依據流程規範,建置出最適合組織知識管理需求的資訊系統,將資訊科技於知識管理的應用效能發揮至最大。此外,我們也應用此模式針對學術研究單位開發一個碩博士論文研究專屬性的知識管理系統,以實際案例驗證本研究所推導建置模式之可行性。該雛形系統採以ASP(Active Server Pages)語法架構系統平台、並應用XML(Extensible Markup Language)技術實現知識管理模式下所需的各項文件結構,再結合關連式資料庫技術實現整個知識管理系統,本論文主要研究貢獻有二: 第一、推導知識管理系統通用型建置模式,勾勒出清楚地程序規範,有效應用資訊科技落實知識管理核心思維於系統中。 第二、以學術研究單位為實驗環境,建置碩博士論文知識管理系統,除驗證本研究提出之建置模式,並為學界發展應用提供一實際的案例展示。 Implementing the management activities based on the characteristic of knowledge and designing the corresponding function based on the type of knowledge flow are seldom be considered since building KMS. Hence, the most proposed knowledge management systems (KMS) are almost the same as the general management information systems (MIS). And, the effectiveness derived from implementing the knowledge management (KM) is limited. Therefore, after reviewing the related literatures, we will propose a suitable model for building KMS. The designer can construct a better KMS according to the procedure standard and employ it to maximizing the system performance. Besides, we also developed a prototyping KMS for the research institute at university to verify the feasibility for our proposed general model. This prototyping KMS will apply the Active Server Pages (ASP) syntax to form the system platform. And, the Extensible Markup Language (XML) technique will be employed to accomplish the document structure which being adapted in KM model. Finally, the associate database technique is also applied to link them together. Two concluding remarks in this research can be obtained as fallows: 1. The general model in building KMS is proposed and the application of information technology (IT) to accomplish the KM is also clearly represented. 2. A KMS for the research institute at University is developed. Except for the effectiveness of our proposed general model can be verified, it can be viewed as an illustrative example of KMS development for the research unit at university in the future.