摘要: | 高速公路服務區是整條公路系統中不可或缺的重要設施,一個使用路人重新恢復精神體力的中途休憩站,高速公路服務區之規劃方式隨著時代背景已與過去傳統服務區有很大的不同,除了經營方式的改善及服務機能的提升之滿足用路人之基本生理需求項目外,考量到用路人之心理層面,並兼顧服務區本身多元化功能,以提升服務區的價值。 本研究運用資料收集、觀察記錄、問卷調查做為研究工具,並運用相關理論分析,依據空間配置形態特殊性、經營評價優等、使用頻率高之東山服務區做為研究案例,以人在服務區之行為活動探究服務區空間規劃之參考因子。 高速公路服務區之本質在於提供一個短時間內使身心能得到放鬆的地方,它必須兼顧用路人生理及心理需求;因此,除了實質設施的便利性和流暢的服務機能外,整體塑造出來的空間,也必須藉由人、行為活動、與空間的互動了解人與之相處的模式做為參考依據;本研究之重要結論如下:1. 除了社會背景休閒意識的興起,興建理念與經營策略的改變,與使用者實踐的經驗也說明了服務區空間形式是以觀光休閒的定位取代過去機能性服務。2. 在良好的實質空間造成人的活動,也因活動的產生而使空間變得具有休閒感,在這三者的互動下產生的良好氣氛,是能夠使用路人因長時間重複駕駛意識而產生的緊繃情緒獲得釋放的方法。3. 本研究在訪談及民眾滿意度調查中發現:民眾對於滿意的地方多在環境方面,如空間休閒感、環境視野、景觀、建築設計或整體規劃等;而在較不滿意的地方則多為消費產品價格方面。4. 尊重原有在地文化資源,避免人工化堆積產品:本研究之調查結果發現,東山服務區之大榕樹景觀為用路人最喜歡也是最吸引人的地方。規劃者在規劃一個新的場所時,應尊重既有文化地景,避免一昧的人工堆積。5. 空間尺度上及動線安排:創造一個適合人們潛在天性之空間模式,使空間與人相處自然且愉快。除了從人的潛意識行為塑造空間形態,從空間形態而言,掌握空間大小尺度對於掌握氣氛是一關鍵因素,好的空間範圍隱含著人及人類行為的意義,才會是一個能發揮功效的空間。6. 空間多元化概念:服務區是一個短暫的交流站,來往過客成了媒介,服務區未來規劃可利用此特色,達成最大的宣傳效果。7. 消費商品部份:多數消費者認為服務區內商品價格應有調降的空間,如此才能真正回饋用路人。心理因素在決定滿意程度上非常重要,也惟有提高使用者滿意度,才可使空間更符合使用者的需求。 The service area is an important installment of national freeway system. That is middle rest stations which make drivers revive their energy. How to plan the service area is already different from the one’s before in different age. Besides be satisfy with what drivers’ physiological demand include reform the way of administration and provide better service function, we must consider that the segment of psychological and the space of multiplicity, in order to provide the value itself. This research employs the methods, such as data survey, observation and record, questionnaires, analysis with related theory (Environmental Psychology) to interpret. This research is conducted on Dong-Shan service area (東山服務區) which is characterized by particularness of space patterns, get good appraise on administration, use higher frequency. This research study on behavior pattern on people who are in the service area, it can be the reference for a service area to build. The being of service area of national freeway is affording a good place that make drivers feel relax in the short time. And it must care both physiological and psychological. Hence, besides the convenience of the installment and the good service function, the all space form must according by the pattern of relate well between people, activities, and space. Important conclusions of this research are as follows:1.Besides the consciousness of relaxation coming up, the concept of build, the change of administration and the experience of use also explain the determine of service area is ease instead of function service.2.In a good space can make activities, then make an atmosphere of ease. Create a friendly atmosphere by the good relation of the people, activities, and space is a good way to relax the tired emotion by driving a long time.3.This research found out that people are satisfied with the environments, for example the ease、views、the building design and planning; the charge of products is inverse.4.Esteems original asset, avoid the artificialness: Just like Dong-Shan service area, the nature view of the pagoda tree is the best in users’ mind. The planner should esteems the asset originally, it isn’t make all things artificialize while planning a new space.5.The gauge of the space and arrange of the path: Create a space form that adapt people’s conatus, it will keep both friendly. Not only the space pattern based on the principle of self-behavior, but also the from the space form: the key point of the space ambiance is control the measure well, a range of a space that connoted the meaning of human-behavior can called a good space.6.A multiplicity of uses in a space: The service area is a short communication station, people moving fleet become agency, the layout of related area in the future can use this accent well to make a good advertisement.7.The products: Many users think the charge of products should cheaper for feedback on users. The factor of psychological is very important at the degree of content, and only feed user’s pleasure, it will give a better space for users. |