本研究以憂鬱症患者的生病經驗為主題,透過敘事研究去探討二位女性憂鬱症患者在身體、心理方面的諸多不適症狀,以及她們如何詮釋此一生病經驗,並深入了解憂鬱症在她們生命歷程中之意義;而對於研究者來說,透過與研究參與者不斷地訪談之中所建立的互為主體之經驗,亦得以擴大自身之視域,獲取自身生命經驗的意義與覺知。 研究者選擇以質性研究之敘說分析為取向,並將透過半結構訪談所取得之訪談資料以及研究參與者提供之手札做為研究主軸,進而推展資料分析與討論,以故事的方式呈現兩位研究參與者的生命故事,並從中敘述她們的憂鬱症之形成、體驗與復原歷程。透過研究者之詮釋並賦予研究參與者生命故事意義的過程,期能使讀者對於憂鬱症患者生命敘說之文本產生共鳴,並有更深入之理解。 本研究發現,與罹患憂鬱症相關的影響因素包括了患者傾向具有負向自我概念,當面對重大挫折事件時無法順利因應之;而影響憂鬱症患者復原的因素主要有:自我的正向改變、具備愛人的能力,以及求生存的希望等。 最後,根據研究的結果,對教育單位、醫療體系、主要照顧者及未來研究的方向提出建議。 This research is designed to help understand the illness experience of two female patients with depressive disorder. The researcher aimed to express the subjects’ mental and physical illness and to explore how they interpret their illness experience. In addition, the visions of the researcher were extended and self-awareness of the researcher was also inspired by developing an co-subjectivity between the subjects and her. The researcher chose narrative analysis of qualitative research as the method of this study. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect the necessary data. The researcher carefully transcribed and analyzed the data and then presented the subjects’ life stories by the way of story telling. The subjects shared the experiences of how they turned patients with depressive disorder, what difficulties they went through, and how they recovered from the illness. The results of this study are that patients with depressive disorder tend to possess negative self-concepts. They cannot properly cope with significant events that cause frustration. Factors that help subjects’ recovery from depression were: the positive changes of self, the ability to love, and the will for healthy life. Based on the above findings, suggestions for mental hygiene education, medical system, the primary caregiver and further researches were presented.