摘要: | 民國八十八年,國民教育法規定為保障學生學習權益,各直轄市及縣市政府得依法辦理非學校型態實驗教育。非學校型態國民小學的出現,使得我國國民小學階段的教育進入了多元化的時代。本文所指的不同屬性國民小學階段視覺藝術課程發展及設計之比較研究,分別選取台中市公立國民小學與非學校型態國民小學各一所,每校三年級各一班進行視覺藝術課程發展及設計比較研究。 本研究乃以文獻分析、參與觀察及訪談方式蒐集相關資料,希望能探究以下幾個問題:一、不同屬性國民小學視覺藝術課程發展及設計之概況。二、不同屬性國民小學視覺藝術課程模式及其比較。三、學校藝術教育在行政與教學上的資源分配情況。 相關資料經比較後,獲得以下結論:一、就目前我國二種不同屬性國民小學視覺藝術課程發展及設計之概況如下:1.公立小學採行「九年一貫課程綱要」,以「課程統整」及「學校本位課程」為發展特色,其設計原則是以「學習主題」來統整視覺藝術,著重在生活與學習能力統整。2.非學校型態小學則是呈現每個學校不同的辦學特色與精神。以台中市為例,如華德福體系學校是遵循「美」的概念、使用自然原始素材創作、老師扮演重要的角色來引導帶領孩子;而D實驗小學則是以『孩子』為主體的全人教育概念出發,配合其身心靈發展來設計課程,並延伸至生活之中。 二、本文依據課程模式四個要素:教育目的、課程內容、教學方法及評鑑來檢視這二所不同屬性國民小學視覺藝術課程:整體看來,這二種不同屬性的學校均遵照課程模式的四要素及成立藝術課程委員會來發展設計視覺藝術課程,都是以生活為課程設計主題,也都朝向學科統整的方向進行。只是非學校型態小學更強調以「孩子」為學習主體,所有的課程模式均符合孩子身心靈發展為學習訴求。 三、據本文研究結果看出,不同屬性國民小學在視覺藝術教育的行政及教學上,會因比例、分配方式不同,而有不同的課程發展及設計:如公立與非學校型態老師指導學生的結構比例為3:1、公立與非學校型態學生家長背景結構分別為一般軍公教人員與商人醫生居多、公立與非學校型態學生使用藝術空間分配比懸殊、公立與非學校型態每週上課節數為2:3、公立與非學校型態在專業師資上採不同任用方式等,都會影響到視覺藝術課程的發展與設計。 Since the enactment and enforcement of the laws governing the education, and thus the appearance of Non-School Style elementary schools in 1999, the education of the elementary schools of our country has entered into a pluralistic era. The comparative study, as referred to in this essay, is a study on the differences of the teachers employed, and the models used in visual art programs at the public and non-school style elementary schools. Documentary analysis and attribute studies are employed in this study. By observation, interviews at the sites where teachings of the visual art programs are taking place, we have attempted to understand the following issues:1.The development of the non-school style elementary schools, and the status of the education of the visual arts.2.Compare with the development and the characteristics of visual art curriculum pattern at the different kinds of the elementary schools.3.The allocation of administrative and teaching resources to the art education at the elementary schools. After compare with above data, we get the conclusions:1. The education system In Taiwan has two kinds of different elementary school’s vision art curriculum development and situations are as follows: 1.1 The characteristic of the public elementary school enforce the A trial nine-year compulsory’ Integrated the curriculum and the curriculum base on schools’ standard. The design rule is integrating the visual art by "The study subject", and focus on improve the student’s day life and study ability.1.2 The non- school elementary school are presenting each schools’ different school characteristic and the spirit. For example of the Waldorf Education system in Taichung follows "Beautiful" concept. The system let the teachers guide the students. And the D experiment elementary school used the concept "the child" as the main body perfect person to lead the all system to cooperate the body and mind curriculum to get through the life education of students. 2. This essay used the four main points of the curriculum pattern: The education goal, the content curriculum, the teaching method and the graded inspected these vision art curriculums of the two different elementary school. In short, these two kinds of different school obeys the curriculum pattern of four main points and the establishment the art curricula committee at school which design the vision art curriculum to take the life curriculum to be the subject. However, non-school elementary school emphasized "the child" to be the main body curriculum of study subject, and the all curricula pattern conforms to the students demand. 3. According to the result of this essay, different kinds of schools have dissimilar administration rate with teaching and administration resource and have different course development and design. The ratio of teacher in public school and non-school elementary school to student is 3:1. Most of the background structure of student is doctors, business man, public and military service. The artistic space of student ratio has a wide gap between public school and non-school elementary school. The ratio of weekly courses of public school to non-school elementary school is 3:2. The hire principle of teacher is different, and between public school and non-school elementary school. It will effect to development and design in virtual art cause. |