摘要: | 本研究目的主要探討北港觀光意象、知覺價值、旅遊品質、滿意度與行為意向之關係。本研究採問卷調查方式,以便利抽樣法,對到訪北港的遊客進行資料蒐集,共回收397份有效問卷。資料分析的方式包括描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、單因子變異數分析及線性結構方程模式。 主要研究結果如下: 1. 北港的遊客以居住在中、南部鄰近的縣市為主要來源,年齡以31歲到40歲為最多,多信仰佛教,教育程度多為專科或大學。 2.在旅遊特性方面,到北港的遊客多數是家人、親戚一同前來朝聖拜佛,不僅自己安排行程,且多數會參訪其他觀光景點。停留在北港的時間大約為半天,每人平均旅遊花費在300元以下。 3.21個觀光意象問項平均數前3名者為:「具有獨特的知名地標-朝天宮」、「『三月迎媽祖』時香客及遊客多」、「拜拜祈願或求神還願的香客多」;顯示北港遊客對北港的意象還是以宗教為主。觀光意象經因素分析簡化成四個因素,分別命名為「宗教特性意象」、「地方特色意象」、「歷史文化意象」、「管理意象」。 4.19個旅遊品質問項平均數前3名者為:「各類古蹟遺址(如朝天宮、義民廟、甕牆、水塔等)各有其特色」、「節慶活動內容具有吸引力」、「朝天宮服務人員殷勤友善」;旅遊品質經因素分析簡化成四個因素,將其命名為「整體環境品質」、「旅遊資訊及服務提供品質」、「交通與住宿品質」、「餐飲品質」。 5.本研究建立之觀光意象、知覺價值、旅遊品質、滿意度與遊後行為意圖模式之分析是可被接受的,由模式結果發現:意象會正向影響旅遊品質及遊後行為意圖; 旅遊品質會正向影響知覺價值;知覺價值會正向影響滿意度及遊後行為意圖;滿意度會正向影響遊後行為意圖。 The main purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship among tourism image, perceived value, tourist’s satisfaction and behavior intention of religious tourism . A structured questionnaire was designed to collect the data form the visitors who have visited the BEI-GANG area. By means of convenience sampling, a total number of 397 valid samples were obtained. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way ANOVA analysis and LISREL. The results are as follows. 1. Most of the visitors are aged 31- 40 , live in central and southen part of Taiwan. 2. As far as the travel characteristics of BEI-GANG, most of the tourists go to BEI-GANG with their family and relatives .They not only arrange their own journey , but will visit other spots. They visited BEI-GANG area second times or more, and for average half a day with travel expense under NT 300 dollars . 3. The three highest means of tourism image are: “unique famous landmarks”, ” MaZu Birthday Festival in March”, and “To pray and make wishes or honor and thanks MaZu”. Aparently the image of the visitors in Bei-Gang is religion. With factor analysis, the tourism image can be simplize to four factors named “religion characteristic”, “unique scenic spots”, ” historical, culture and well management”. 4. The three highest means of travel quality are:” various, heritage and historical ruins have their characteristics , (such as temple ,urn wall, water tower,etc)”, festival attraction “, and “friendly and kindly environment . With factor analysis, four factors were extracted from tourist’s satisfaction and named as “whole environment quality ” , ”travel information and service offer quality”,” transportation and accommodation quality “, “food/beverage quality “. 5. The linear structure relation model (LISREL) of tourism image, tourist perceived value , tourist’s satisfaction and behavior intention is found to be acceptable. In addition , the results of the study indicate that: tourism image positively affects trip quality and behavior intention; trip quality positively affects perceived value; perceived value positively affects tourist’s satisfaction and behavior intention ; tourist’s satisfaction positively affects behavior intention. |