本研究旨在探討創造性肢體活動對於幼兒園混齡班主題課程教學的實施與成效性,並做為未來教育工作者與研究的参考。本研究採質性研究取向的個案研究法,以南投縣一所國小附設幼兒園混齡班的幼兒為研究對象,依照不同的主題課程來設計創造性的肢體活動,每週進行一次的教學,每週上課時間為40分鐘。為期十週的教學活動,將教學活動的參與觀察與訪談記錄、教學日誌、省思札記、學習單、作品創作、回饋單等研究資料加以分析。研究結果歸納如下:一、創造性肢體活動融入幼兒園混齡班主題課程教學的實施(一)啟發性的思考方式,使主題課程教學更具有探索性。(二)幼兒的創作經驗變得豐富,使主題課程教學更多元化。(三)幼兒對於舞蹈元素的探索,使主題課程教學更有趣味性。二、身體動作的表現之學習成效(一)能更靈活運用身體的動作。(二)會有創新的肢體動作呈現。(三)道具的使用更多樣化。三、教師對於「創造性肢體活動融入於幼兒園混齡班主題課程教學」之看法(一)幼兒對於「創造性肢體活動融入於幼兒園主題課程教學」的接受度高。(二)幼兒在身體機能的協調力、控制力、反應力有明顯的進步。(三)在其他面向之表現亦有所改變。 根據前述研究結果,對未來的教育工作者及研究提出建議,並作為創造性肢體活動融入主題課程教學之參考。 The study aims to explore the implementation and effect of creative activities at mixed-age classes with thematic curriculum in kindergarten and as a reference for educators and research in the future. This study adopted qualitative research orientation of the case study method and the study object is the mixed-age classes children in kindergarien which is in an elementary school in Nantou County. According to a different theme courses to design creative and physical activities, which is 40 minutes in one class per week. The data of observation in teaching activities, interview, logs, journals, learning sheets,works, feedback and other reserch in teching activities will be analysis each by each .The research results aresummarized as follows:(a)The implememation of creative physical activities in mix-age kindergarten classes with thematic curriculum 1. The stimulating thinking makes the subject teaching more exploratory. 2.Children's creative experiences makes the thematic curriculum more diversi fied . 3.Children's exploration to dance elements makes the thematic curriculum more interesting.(b)The learning effect of physical operation 1.More flexibility in using body movements. 2. The innovative actions. 3. The props use more diverse.(c)The view of teachers to" the creative physical activieities into mixed-age kindergarten classes with thematic curriculum ". 1.The children for " the creative physical activities into mixed-age kindergarten classes with thematic curriculum . 2.The children in physical function of coordination, control, responsiveness, are improved obviously. 3.There are also some changes in other in aspects . Based on the prerious outcome reserch, put forward recommendations for educators and research in the future. And as a reference for teaching creative physical activities into the thematic curriculum.