本研究旨在探討「戒護管理人員之工作壓力」,以瞭解戒護管理人員在戒護環境中所面對的工作壓力。在確立研究問題方向與焦點後,研究者以中南部某看守所內七位戒護管理人員為研究對象,使用質性研究之深度訪談法蒐集資料,期望能深入了解受訪者想法與其所建構的意義世界。最後呈現本研究結果發現臚列如下:1. 戒護管理人員的工作壓力來源多樣,來自『長官』的壓力居大部份,因為長官的決策非常直接的影響管理人員的戒護工作,自然地將壓力加諸在戒護管理人員身上。2. 由於戒護人力的短缺,在戒護工作上,一人當三人或四人用已是常態。3. 由於政策反覆、朝令夕改,使戒護管理人員無所適從。4. 工作環境設備的不足或不適用,使戒護管理工作事倍功半。5. 戒護管理人員對於違規收容人的無理取鬧,心有不平卻只能委屈承受。 The purpose of this research is to explore “ the job stress of detention center guard officers”. After the research questions and directions were clarified and focused, 7 guard officers who are working in a detention center in South-Central Taiwan were chosen. The in-depth interview of qualitative research was used to collect data, and the data will demonstrate deeply the interviewees’ thoughts and their meaningful inner world. The results were summarized as follows:1. The job stress of detention center guard officers are various, most come from “superiors”, because superiors’ decisions will influence guard officers directly.2. The lack of human resource is a big problem. In the judicial correction area, three or four people’s duty on one person is a common situation.3. Because the policies are always changing, guard officers get confused easily.4. The shortage of equipment makes judicial correction job less effective。5. About the trouble causing by offending inmates, guard officers are unwilling and cannot do anything.