這幾年來,台灣高等教育漸漸走入泡沫化的階段。私立學校的情況更惡化,概略說來,它出現高學費、難就業、低薪資、長負債這個現象。依科技大學的發展來看,究竟要將每位學生教成「知識工作者」(坐辦公室、學術研究等等),還是能專精一項技藝能養活自己的技術人員?而除了學校發展方向不明外,在高等教育普及化後,許多學生在父母和社會對學歷的期許下進入大學,他們除了缺乏許多基礎先備知識外,整個學習意願更是普遍低落。而做為一門通識課程,又該如何因應如此定位不明的高教現狀?如果學生們不再對知識學習感興趣,那麼,對於他們將來的人生,我們又該傳授什麼樣的東西給他們?本文所使用的「敘事想像力」概念主要受到瑪莎.納斯邦(Martha C. Nussbaum)人文教育理念的啟發。她指出通識教育是一種公民教育,而如何啟發學生的公民的敘事想像能力,除了哲學思辨課程外,文學和音樂是極佳的媒介物。許多文學和音樂作品中都蘊含著深厚的生命哲思並關注政治社會議題。本文主要以「文學與音樂中的哲思」這門課來探討培養技職院校學生敘事想像力的可能教學策略與教學成效。 Since the author began teaching at a private university of technology in recent years, hehas witnessed the bubble of higher education in Taiwan following the government’s extensive establishment of universities across the country. Many students in fact do not have much enthusiasm for learning yet, in combination with the expectations of their parents and society, obtaining a college degree has become an obligation, the means by which to meet the minimum standard required to find gainful employment. Subsequently, many students have become ‘stuck’ in the formal education process, entering university without knowing what they are actually studying for. Due to this phenomenon, general education should provide them what kind of knowledge? Inspired by the concept of narrative imagination of Martha C. Nussbaum, she pointed out the general education is a kind of civil education, and the works of literature and music were the best media. This article will use the class of the philosophy in literature and music to study the teaching strategies and efficiency of improving students’ narrative imagination.