很多島嶼之經濟發展極度仰賴觀光產業,唯這些島嶼通常缺乏豐富之天然資源,尤其是悠關民生所必需之水資源。因此對觀光產業快速擴張之島嶼而言,更多的遊客,意謂著更多淡水的需求與消耗。換言之,可用淡水水資源的缺乏無形中將限制觀光產業之發展,因此可用淡水水資源的議題對發展永續觀光而言是值得審慎思考的。本研究討論台灣澎湖群島現有之水資源供給政策,並評估在觀光客到訪與降雨在時間、空間之分配均屬不均之情況下,實施中水回用之可行性。研究結果發現,觀光島嶼應將中水回用政策納入水源開發之考量,此舉約略可減少20%淡水水資源之需求。此外,政府應儘速訂定觀光飯店中水回用管理辦法及機制,水公司方面則可以以「少虧回饋,低價鼓勵」為回收水水價與補貼設計之設計準則,以有效解決此類因遊客所致之觀光島嶼缺水問題。 The development of many islands are extremely rely on the tourism industry; however, those islands often lack the richness of natural resources, especially the essential fresh water. Therefore, the rapid expansion of tourism of those islands means more tourists arrived, and reflects needing more fresh water. In other words, the shortage of fresh water can restrict the sustainable development for those tourism-dependent islands. This study applied the Penghu Islands as a case study to evaluate the reclaimed water reuse policy in hotels under situations in which the tourist season fluctuates, and the supply of rainfall is highly variable both in time and space. The study results showed that the tourism-dependent island could consider the reclaimed water reuse policy to reduce the stress of fresh water; additionally, government could set the regulations and incentive about reclaimed water reuse in hotels as soon as possible to retard water-stressed situation in a tourism-dependent island.